Increase in shopping basket prices in September
The data provided in the report shows that in September average price of the shopping cart containing the most popular everyday items on a monthly basis increased by PLN 25.07, or 8.82%, to PLN 309.27.
The list of prices of product categories, determined on the basis of selected 40 products, shows that in September this year. year-on-year, the prices of 9 out of 10 categories increased: household chemicals and cosmetics, additives, meat, cold cuts and fish, frozen foods, dairy products, drinks, sweets, loose products, stimulants and beer. Compared to last year only fatty products became cheaper (by 5.15%).
The biggest price increases for drinks and cosmetics
The prices of drinks increased the most – in September they were paid for by 19.37%. more than a year ago, and the smallest difference was recorded in the case of household chemicals and cosmetics (+2.86%).
“A drop in prices was recorded only in four chains, and in the remaining nine the prices of the tested products were higher than in August this year.” – said the authors. They indicated that the largest increase in the average basket price on a monthly basis took place in the Lidl chain (71.05%), and its largest decrease in Selgros Cash and Carry stores (-1.16%).
On an annual basis, an increase in product prices was observed in 9 out of 13 chains. The largest annual increase in the basket price – according to the authors – was recorded in the Biedronka chain; prices there increased by more than half (50.31%), i.e. PLN 109.10 more than in 2023. A drop in prices was recorded in the following stores: Makro Cash and Carry (-2.55%), E.Leclerc (- 2.41 percent) and Carrefour (-2.19 percent). “The average value of the shopping basket increased year-on-year by 8.50% from PLN 285.05 in September 2023 to PLN 309.27 in September 2024.” – reported the authors.
Price difference between the cheapest and most expensive basket
It was also informed that when shopping at the lowest prices for products from the basket, the least you could pay was PLN 235.54 (PLN 74.78 more than in August this year), while if you accepted the highest prices – PLN 359.54 (less by PLN 3.08). PLN than in August this year). It was indicated that the difference between the cheapest and the most expensive basket in September this year amounted to PLN 124 – PLN 77.86 more than in August this year. On an annual basis, the sum of the minimum basket in September this year. was higher by 21.32%. y/y, and the maximum basket by 4.22%. y/y.
Ranking of the most expensive and cheapest baskets in stores
It was reported that in Auchan the average cost of a shopping basket was in September this year. PLN 280.27. “This is an increase of PLN 96.72, i.e. 52.69% more than the cheapest basket in August this year, belonging to the Lidl chain a month ago,” the authors recalled. The differences in the average basket price between the first, second and third stores in the ranking were PLN 6.88 (Selgros Cash & Carry) and PLN 7.70 (Makro Cash & Carry) more, respectively. However, the most expensive basket was reported in the POLOmarket chain, where the analyzed set of products costs PLN 330.30.
Among traditional chains, the cheapest purchases could be made in Cash and Carry stores – PLN 287.56. However, in the list of sales channels, the highest average prices of the tested products were recorded in “dark stores” (stores where purchases are made using applications) – PLN 362.68, and in such a list the cheapest purchases (PLN 305.83) could be made in stores hybrid, offering stationary and online sales.
Chains with the largest number of the most expensive products
“The largest number of the most expensive tested products (25) could be found in the Netto chain in September this year,” said the authors of the report. The following places were: Aldi and POLOmarket (6 products each), Lidl (5 products), Biedronka, Dino, Intermarche (4 products each), Kaufland, E.Leclerc, Selgros Cash and Carry (2 products each), Auchan, Carrefour, Macro Cash and Carry for 1 product with the highest price out of 40 analyzed.
ASM Sales Force Agency examines the prices of the same 40 products in 13 retail chains in traditional stores and in the e-commerce channel. The study includes a comparison of prices of analogous FMCG products (same brands and with the same weights) from various categories in stationary stores, online stores and the so-called hybrids, i.e. networks selling both online and offline. (PAP)