Accident at the Ammonia Plant of Grupa Azoty Puławy: Two employees suffered burns

Luc Williams

Accident on the gas installation at the Ammonia Plant of Grupa Azoty Puławy

“On gas preparation installation at the Ammonia Plant of Grupa Azoty Puławy“While turning on the heater, an accident occurred this evening, as a result of which two employees of the Company suffered burns,” said Monika Darnobyt, spokeswoman for Grupa Azoty SA.

The spokeswoman added that one of the employees in a more serious condition was transported by an LPR helicopter to a specialist hospital in Łęczna, the other – with lighter injuries, was treated on an outpatient basis and transported to the Municipal Hospital in Dęblin.

An investigation into the causes of the accident is ongoing

“The first inspection of the incident site shows that there was no damage to the devices in the installation. All necessary services have been notified. The causes of the incident are being investigated,” Darnobyt reported.

On Monday evening, the fire brigade announced that there was a small explosion in Puławy’s nitrogen gas tanks, which injured two people. The company fire brigade intervened on site.

Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe ‘Puławy’ – operations and importance on the market

Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe “Puławy” SA has been part of the capital group since 2012 Grupa Azoty – a joint-stock company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, in which the State Treasury holds 33 percent. shares. The company ranks second in the European Union in the production of nitrogen and multi-component fertilizers. It is the only melamine producer in Poland. It also produces products such as polyamide, OXO alcohols, plasticizers and titanium white.

Zakłady Azotowe “Puławy” has been operating since June 4, 1966. Currently, the company employs over 3.4 thousand. people.(PAP)

Author: Piotr Nowak



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