Is January 26 a trading Sunday? Which stores will be open then and for how long?

Luc Williams

On Sunday, January 26, retail outlets will be open. The next trading Sundays this year fall on: April 13, April 27, June 29, August 31, December 7, December 14 and December 21.

Commercial Sunday this year, i.e. Christmas Eve is a day off from work

On February 1, the amendment providing for the establishment will enter into force December 24 is a day off for all employeesincluding employees of commercial establishments for whom – in accordance with the Act on Restriction of Trade on Sundays and Holidays – Christmas Eve was a working day until 2 p.m. From this year, three Sundays preceding Christmas Eve will be commercial. The amendment also provides that in December a trade employee will not be able to work more than two Sundays.

At the end of December last year President Andrzej Duda decided to sign the act on a free Christmas Eve and refer it to the Constitutional Tribunal for follow-up review. The president’s reservations concern the introduction of a third, additional working Sunday in December for trade workers.

Trading Sunday. Since when has the ban been in force?

Gradual introduction act trading ban on Sundays entered into force on March 1, 2018. From 2020, the trade ban does not apply only on seven Sundays a year: the last Sundays of January, April, June and August, as well as on the Sunday before Easter, and after the president signs the amendment, also on three subsequent Sundays preceding Christmas.

Trading Sunday. Who is not subject to the ban?

In the restrictive act trading on Sundays a catalog of 32 exclusions is provided for. The ban does not include, among others: postal activity, if the revenues from this activity constitute at least 40 percent. revenues from the sale of a given facility. Moreover, it does not apply to confectioneries, ice cream parlors, liquid fuel stations, flower shops, newsagents or cafes.

Trading Sunday. What are the penalties for breaking the ban?

For violating the ban on trading on Sundays threatens from PLN 1,000 to PLN 100,000. PLN fine, and in case of persistent violation of the regulations – penalty of restriction of liberty.


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