Trump or Harris? Who will shake up the markets? Free DM BOŚ conference in Warsaw

Luc Williams

All information about the Elections USA Conference can be found at

This year’s election race in the United States is a real roller-coaster. At the beginning of the summer, after the debate with Joe Biden, in which the incumbent president performed disastrously, Donald Trump was almost certain to win. Polls from the beginning of July even showed a six percent advantage for the Republican candidate. A month later, the situation was completely different – Biden resigned from running, Kamala Harris entered the game with new energy and quickly not only made up for the loss to Trump, but began to dominate in the polls. In September, her support began to wane and the latest forecasts indicate that the candidates’ chances are equal… Who will win is therefore a great unknown.

Another big mystery is the market’s reaction to the election of a specific candidate. It can be – as history shows – violent.
– Eight years ago, when Trump won, the first reaction was a decline in prices on American stock exchanges by up to 5% on average. – says Sebastian Zadora, department director at DM BOŚ. – But a moment later, a long-term bull market began – he adds.

The elections in the United States are now one of the most important events for investors, both those who prefer more aggressive portfolios and those who choose a more passive investing style.
– There are, of course, investors who wonder whether they can earn extra money from these elections, but a significant number of them mainly think about how to protect their capital in the event of strong changes on the market – notes Sebastian Zadora.

The Brokerage House of Bank Ochrony Środowiska invites both to the Event Hall at the Norblin Factory in Warsaw for a free investor conference a few days before the elections. The US Elections conference can also be followed remotely.
– At the meeting, we will consider possible post-election scenarios. We invited outstanding experts in the field of geopolitics and capital markets to participate, says the director of the department at DM BOŚ.

Important questions, famous experts

Some of the candidates’ statements undoubtedly sound very revolutionary, suffice it to say, for example, about (Donald Trump’s) idea of ​​introducing a general and considerable import tariff in the USA. This decision alone may significantly affect the future of the world as we know it, not to mention the markets, and this is just one of many pre-election ideas. The outcome of the US elections may define the immediate and distant future of the global economy.

So what will be the new image of international politics and order, and what role will the US assume in it? What’s next in terms of international security and geopolitical stability in most troublesome regions of the globe? What are the prospects for climate change and energy transformation? Finally, what will be the impact of the new US president on the global economy and capital markets?

These are key questions that the whole world is asking and which will also be addressed by outstanding experts invited to the USA Elections Conference organized by DM BOŚ. Among them, among others, prof. Ph.D. Bohdan Góralczyk from the University of Warsaw and Andrzej Kohut from the Center for Eastern Studies. The first is a famous Polish sinologist, diplomat, publicist and author of many books about contemporary China. The second is a respected Americanist, creator of the popular podcast “Po americansku” and author of the books “Ameryka. A House Divided” and “The Battle for America.”

Among the experts of the US Elections Conference there will be well-known market analysts and experienced investors – market practitioners, including investment fund managers. Among them will be Marek Rogalski, chief currency analyst at the Brokerage House of Bank Ochrony Środowiska. He is an expert in topics related to the FX (Forex) market. He gained many years of experience working in leading brokerage houses in Poland, he has been associated with DM BOŚ since 2009, and became a stock exchange investor in 1994. He has won many awards for the best-predicting analyst.

You will also be able to listen to Kazimierz Szpak, president of the management board of Beta Securities Poland, an active participant and asset manager on the capital market for over 20 years, and Radosław Chodkowski, a stock investor, author and creator of the popular blog “Humanista na dziennik”, who has been popularizing knowledge of scope of investing and personal finance.

Rafał Glinicki, founder and president of the management board of VSA TRADER and CEO of Black Wolves Corporation, will also appear among the panelists. He is a trader, an expert in the Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) methodology and a practical approach to trading. He has experience supported by over twenty years of trading practice and is a two-time winner of the top ten of the “World Top Investor” competition, in which traders from all over the world take part.

A practical approach

The discussions will include practical topics. Panelists will present possible scenarios on the stock, bond, commodity and currency markets. There will also be considerations about bitcoin, especially since Donald Trump recently talked about cryptocurrencies. Experts will also discuss how to manage investment risk in highly uncertain times.
– This is even more important than accurately betting on specific scenarios – adds Sebastian Zadora.

All information about the Elections USA Conference can be found at


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