20 thousand volunteers from the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland will clean up the Oder

Luc Williams

This year, the third edition of the Clean Odra campaign will be organized. This is an international project, because in addition to volunteers from Poland, there will also be residents of the Czech Republic and Germany.

Pure Odra

“The measles originate in Czech Moravia. So whatever is thrown there will sooner or later flow to Wrocław. Whatever the inhabitants of Wrocław throw into the river will sooner or later end up in the Szczecin Lagoon, and later (…) in the Baltic Sea” – said Dominik Dobrowolski, initiator of the REVIVAL campaign, during the press conference.

The campaign will be launched on Friday, April 26 at 10.00 at the Zwierzyniecka Footbridge behind the Wrocław Zoo. Everyone can get involved in cleaning.

“Actually, the bags and gloves will be organized by us, so it's best to simply inform the coordinator (…) by phone or e-mail that you want to register for this action, so that we can estimate the number of people,” said Anna Adamczyk from the Ecological Association EKO- UNIA, regional coordinator of the Clean Odra campaign.

How many tons of garbage this year?

During the first edition, approximately 140 tons of garbage was collected, and a year later – 150 tons. This year, in addition to collecting garbage, ecologists also want to stock the river with fish. This is an idea to offset the effects of the ecological disaster of 2022.

“We launched a social collection, collected over PLN 100,000 and together with ichthyologists and scientists from the Polish Fishing Association in Zielona Góra and Szczecin, we bred 1.5 million fish of the species that suffered the most during the disaster. Small fish are released into small tributaries of the Oder, so that they learn to feed. After a few years, I hope, they will grow and flow into the Oder,” said Dominik Dobrowolski.

The actions of ecologists are accompanied by demands regarding water purity. The organizers demand, among others: stopping the discharge of saline water from mines in Upper Silesia, reviewing sewage treatment plants, and limiting pollution from agriculture.

Author: Michael Torz


Luc's expertise lies in assisting students from a myriad of disciplines to refine and enhance their thesis work with clarity and impact. His methodical approach and the knack for simplifying complex information make him an invaluable ally for any thesis writer.