Study advice

Licenciada en pedagogía desarrollando un taller con estrategias en una empresa

What does a pedagogue do? Functions and work field in today’s life What does a pedagogue do? Functions and work field in today’s life

When talking about pedagogymany people tend to think only of traditional classroom teaching, but The work that a pedagogue does goes much further. Pedagogy is a fundamental discipline in creation and improvement of educational systemsas well as in the development of methodologies that optimize learning in different contexts.

If you are here it is because it has probably crossed your mind to do the pedagogy careerbut maybe you’re not sure. In that case, this article will help you learn more about the Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational and Educational Pedagogy as such, but also their areas of study and work field. This way, when you make your decision, you will know exactly what an educator does and how you could become one.