A revolution in waste segregation is coming. What habits will the average person have to change?

Luc Williams

New rules for waste management, which will come into force next year, are related to the need to adapt Polish law to EU requirements. In the country for collection and export municipal waste local governments are responsible. Introduction deposit system is to reduce the quantity garbage produced by householdswhich means a complete revolution both in trade work and consumer habits.

The deposit for bottles is back

The deposit system will come into force on January 1, 2025 and will apply to single-use plastic bottles with a capacity of up to 3 liters, reusable glass bottles with a capacity of up to 1.5 liters and metal cans with a capacity of up to 1 liter. To be purchased for each bottle or can. the store will add a depositthe amount of which will be determined in a separate regulation. To recover it, the customer will have to return the empty, uncrushed packaging to the store. Big trading fingers with an area exceeding 200 sq m, will be obligatorily forced to collecting empty bottles and cans and returning the previously collected deposit to customers. Shops with a smaller area will be able to voluntarily join the deposit system. Importantly, it is not necessary to collect the deposit receiptand unclaimed deposits will provide financial support operation of the deposit system.

Some of the waste that will be subject to the deposit system from next year is now sent to: containers with plastic and metal wasteand then it is picked up together with the others municipal waste by municipalities. The new regulations will force consumers, trade and local governments to increase their levels selective collection and recycling of raw materials which will translate into less pollution of the natural environment.

Six fractions of construction and renovation waste

From January 1, 2025 also developers and renovation companies will have to introduce a new system garbage and waste segregation arising during the construction or renovation of real estate. Investment residues are to be collected divided into: six factions: wood, metals, glass, plastics, plaster, mineral waste and ceramic materials and stones. Construction companies will be able to conduct such collection on their own or commission this service external company. It is easy to predict that the construction industry will pass on additional expenses related to waste segregation to its customers.

There will be exceptions to this rule individuals doing renovations by yourself. Throwing construction waste into a regular garbage container will still be punishable fine. To avoid this, it is enough that the renovation waste is placed in a container ordered for this purpose and transported at the investor's expense.

The end of fast fashion

They will feel the next change the most fashionistas. From a report published by European Commission Every year, each EU resident buys approximately 26 kg of new clothing and throws away approximately 11 kg of unnecessary clothing textile products. In this case, it is not only about generating the garbage itself, but also about the entire waste the process of producing clothes or shoes. The fashion industry is responsible for huge environmental pollution. More water is used in the production of textiles than the entire food industry needs. Huge amounts of used chemicals, dyes, fertilizers and pesticides end up in the soil and pollutes groundwater. Annual greenhouse gas emissions the textile industry is greater than the emissions generated by all international flights plus maritime shipping.

Therefore, the EU has taken decisions to reduce the negative impact of the textile industry. From January next year, new regulations will apply in Poland regarding the collection and recycling of used or unnecessary clothing and other textiles. Their implementation will fall on the shoulders of the municipalities that will have to build them PSZOK systemThat is Selective Waste Collection Points including unnecessary clothes and other fabrics.

In addition to PSZOKs, clothing is collected in Poland by: aid organizations directly from residential buildings or in special places containers dedicated to textiles set in different cities. Some stores also collect unwanted clothes clothing chains. Thanks to these actions, more good clothes, shoes, bed linen and towels could be put back into circulation and find new users for example in very popular second-hand stores.

A general program for collecting unnecessary clothing and other materials is only just being implemented. However, it will take some time before the collection of unnecessary textiles and plastic bottles can be maximized – consumers must get used to the new guidelines.


Luc's expertise lies in assisting students from a myriad of disciplines to refine and enhance their thesis work with clarity and impact. His methodical approach and the knack for simplifying complex information make him an invaluable ally for any thesis writer.