A sharp decline in sales of electric cars in Poland. What brands do we reach for?

Luc Williams

In March 2024, 1,700 fully electric cars (BEV) were registered in Poland. Compared to February this year that's 300 more pieces. However, year-on-year, the number of registrations of this type of vehicles decreased by 10.9%. – according to a report by Rankomat.pl, citing the latest data from the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA).

The report indicates that the share of electric cars in the total pool of registered vehicles has also decreased. In March 2023, BEV cars accounted for 3.9%. all cars registered in our country. In the same period this year, this percentage was 3.4%. According to the authors of the report, this indicates a decline in Poles' interest in electric cars. One of the factors that prevents potential buyers from purchasing an electric car is purchase costs are still high. This may lead to an increase in interest in Chinese brands that offer electric cars at lower prices than European and American companies.

According to Rankomat.pl, citing estimates of the European Federation of Transport and Environment, in 2024, Chinese brands may gain 11%. market of new electric cars in the European Union. In 2027, this share may increase up to 20%. According to IBRM Samar data, in the period February-March 2024, 533 cars from Chinese manufacturers were registered in our country, which means a fourfold increase year-on-year. The most popular brand is MG – 411 registrations of these cars have been made. The C-class MG4 can be purchased for PLN 121,200 and is one of the cheapest electric cars on the Polish market.

If the purchase of such a car is additionally financed with state subsidies, its final cost may be even lower than the price of a new combustion car of a similar class – said specialists from Rankomat.pl. For comparison, prices of Opel Astra with a petrol engine start at approximately PLN 110,000. Higher-class Chinese electric cars are also attractively priced. For example, the T90 EV costs approximately PLN 170,000, and the Euniq6 SUV costs over PLN 180,000. For comparison, the cheapest Tesla model costs around PLN 200,000. In turn, a car with a diesel engine of a similar class to the Euniq6 SUV, e.g. the Kia Sorento model, costs over PLN 241,000.

The data presented in the report by the Polish Automotive Industry Association show that for now, Polish buyers mainly trust Tesla. In the first quarter of 2024, 1,264 vehicles of this manufacturer were registered in Poland. The most frequently registered electric car in this period was the Tesla Model Y, followed by the Tesla Model 3. The third place on the podium was taken by the Volvo EX30.

On the used electric car market, preferences are slightly different, the report noted. According to the portal gramwzdrowie.pl, most advertisements for the sale of second-hand electric cars on the Otomoto website concerned models such as Nissan Leaf, BMW i3 and Tesla Model S.

“My Electrician” program

The report reminds that those interested in purchasing a new vehicle with a fully electric drive can use the nationwide “My Electrician” program. In the case of people who do not have a Large Family Card, they are entitled to a non-refundable subsidy of up to PLN 18,750, and the maximum price of the vehicle cannot exceed PLN 225,000. People with the Large Family Card can get a subsidy of PLN 27,000 and are not subject to the car price limit. The Revision of the National Reconstruction Plan adopted at the end of April also provides for subsidies for the purchase of electric cars. Moreover, this support will also cover the purchase of a used electric car, leasing a new vehicle or long-term rental.

“In addition to government programs, special eco-loans currently offered by several banks may also support the purchase of an electric car. They usually have slightly more favorable interest rates than other forms of financing such as a cash or car loan. Interestingly, the funds from such a loan can also be used for other ecological projects, e.g. purchase and installation of renewable energy sources,” said Katarzyna Gaweł from rankomat.pl.

As the authors of the report pointed out, the expansion of Chinese brands in the electric car market may be stopped. The European Commission is investigating Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers to determine whether they are benefiting from government subsidies. The current customs duty rate is 10 percent, but a possible increase introduced to protect the European market against prohibited competitive practices may increase customs duties to 20 or even 25 percent. As the report notes, tariffs could be even higher if the European Union follows the U.S. lead. President Joe Biden announced that the tariff on electric cars from China in the United States will be increased to 100%.

Rankomat.pl is an online platform that offers the opportunity to compare offers of over 30 insurance and 25 banking brands. The website user can choose a product tailored to their needs independently or with telephone support from an advisor. (PAP)


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