Andrzej Szydło is the president of KGHM

Luc Williams

On Wednesday supervisory board of KGHM decided to appoint five members to the management board: Andrzej Szydłowho was entrusted with the function president of KGHM Polska Miedź; Piotr Stryczek as vice president for corporate affairs; Mirosław Laskowski as vice president for production; Zbigniew Bryja as vice-president for development and Piotr Krzyżewski as vice-president for finance.

New management

Szydło has been associated with KGHM for many years. He was, among others, the director of the Głogów Copper Smelter.

Noose in the past, among others president of Automatyka Miedź. Laskowski this includes former director of Zakłady Górnicze “Rudna”, vice-president of KGHM for production at the turn of 215-2016.

Slush from mid-February he was the acting president of KGHM, and in the past he held numerous directorships in the company.

As KGHM reported in a press release, on Wednesday – before the announcement of the new composition of the management board – the company received Brya's declaration of resignation from delegating the temporary performance of the duties of the president of the management board and vice-presidents for finance, corporate and development, as well as from serving as a member of the company's supervisory board .

Personal changes

On February 13, 2024, the general meeting exchanged supervisory board of KGHMwhich dismissed the management board and delegated its member Zbigniew Bryja to temporarily serve as president and members of the management board.

On February 14, a competition for the president and members of the management board was announced. Candidates were to be submitted by February 29. The supervisory board was to start on March 6 job interviews with the candidates.

The KGHM Polska Miedź Capital Group is a world producer of refined copper and silver. The company conducts exploration, mining and metallurgy activities. The company has assets on three continents. It focuses on ore mining, production of copper and other non-ferrous metals. The State Treasury has 31.79 percent. company shares.

Author: Roman Skiba


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