Croatian farmers protested because the market was flooded with imported goods

Luc Williams

Protest participants gathered along the bypass and then drove around with tractors a city located near Slovenia and Hungary. In this way, as they emphasized, they wanted to draw attention to the accumulating problems that “nobody is addressing.” Croatian government I don’t want to deal.”

Small versus big

According to protest leader Stjepan Jurinac from Ivanovac farmers they think that “import lobby anything is allowed and under such conditions small domestic producers “they have no chance of surviving on the market.”

“Everything comes down to Croatia, there is no control over it. All ours purchase prices fell, a costs of production have increased. In the current situation, we cannot compete with the import lobby,” the Croatian farmer emphasized.

Oversized administration makes the work of farmers difficult

“It’s as if we were engineers, not farmers. We are expected to write down and photograph every step we take, every action we take and every thing that passes through our hands. Does anyone think I will sit in a tractor for five hours, and then another four at the computer?” – he asked, drawing attention to the problem of “overgrown administration”.

Farmers also emphasized the need to work out new aid model in the event of accidents or diseases affecting agricultural production.

“According to current procedures, we receive only about one percent of actual losses after the storm,” it was noted.

The mayor of Czakovec, Ljerka Cividni, supported the protest participants and reminded that the city helps as much as it can, but it is the state that must respond to the farmers’ demands.



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