Henning-Kloska: Nuclear power plants will replace depleted coal units. They will support renewable energy

Luc Williams

“We believe that development of nuclear energy will affect growth energy security in Europe and will allow us to become independent from import of Russian energy raw materials. Nuclear energy will be an important element Polish energy mix as a reliable source of electricity,” Hennig-Kloska pointed out during a meeting with the Canadian ambassador to Poland, Catherine Godin.

The meeting took place on March 28 this year. at the ministry's headquarters.

Support for energy from renewable sources

The head of the Ministry of Climate added that nuclear energy will support Poland in replacement exploited coal power plants. Moreover, as flexible and available generation sourcenuclear energy will allow for stable implementation renewable energy sources.

Location of the nuclear power plant

Ministry of Climate and Environment in January this year assured that there are no grounds for change location of the first Polish nuclear power plantand the decision on the location of the nuclear power plant in the Choczewo commune is final. Changing the location would mean starting the entire process from the beginning, including research that had been ongoing since 2017, i.e. delaying the entire investment by up to 10 years.

PEJ is collecting permits

July 11, 2023. Minister of Climate and Environment, upon request Polish Nuclear Power Plants (PEJ)issued a basic decision which formally confirmed that the investment in the first nuclear power plant in Poland is consistent with the public interest and the policy implemented by the state, including energy policy. This document entitles Polish Nuclear Power Plants to apply for further administrative decisions and a subsequent building permit in the location indicated in the decision.

The PEJ company obtained key administrative decisions, on September 19, 2023, the General Director for Environmental Protection issued decision on environmental conditions for the first nuclear power plantand on October 26, 2023, the Pomeranian Voivode issued a decision to determine the location of the investment in the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Poland.

author: Łukasz Pawłowski


Luc's expertise lies in assisting students from a myriad of disciplines to refine and enhance their thesis work with clarity and impact. His methodical approach and the knack for simplifying complex information make him an invaluable ally for any thesis writer.