Kmera pointed out that the price of these fruits depends on the current supply, as well as on the way the fruit is packaged. On the wholesale market in Bronisze near Warsaw, the price currently ranges from PLN 10 to PLN 16 per kilogram, and a few days ago it was PLN 20 – 30. According to the expert, it is difficult to compare this year's prices with those from last year, because this year the vegetation season is advanced by 2-3 weeks. Last year the prices of these fruits began to fall only after May 20. At Warsaw markets, strawberries can be purchased for PLN 12-15 per kilogram, depending on the variety.
The weather is favorable for strawberries
According to the expert, there would be much more strawberries if not for the recent frosty nights. Although the temperature drop did not directly affect the growth of the fruits, it did prevent them from ripening and discoloring. This is the reason for irregular deliveries to the market, he said. “The strawberries on sale are of good quality because the weather is favorable – it is dry and the fruit is quite durable,” he said. He also admitted that the worst weather for these fruits is when it is warm and humid.
It is difficult to clearly determine when the strawberry peak will occur, Kmera pointed out. He pointed out that some plantations were covered with foil, some with non-woven fabric, and others had no cover in the field and these were the ones that suffered the most from the frosts. He added that the plantations bear fruit at different times and in his opinion there will be three “fruit dumps” this year; However, when this will happen depends largely on the weather – if it is warm, the increased supply may be as early as next week.
A market expert in Bronisze said that the prices of fruit imported from Greece have dropped from PLN 60 to PLN 40 per 5 kg (PLN 8/kg) and there are fewer of them.
“There will be no shortage of dessert strawberries this year”
The president of the Strawberry Growers Association, Janusz Andziak, told PAP that the main flow of strawberries from the field, from plantations covered with foil or non-woven fabric, should take place in about two weeks, i.e. at the end of May or at the beginning of June. “There will be no shortage of dessert strawberries this year,” he assured.
He informed that the fruits from the foil tunnels appeared in larger quantities already for the May weekend, and their price – in his opinion – was not too high, PLN 25-20 per lubianka (2 kg).
The president believes that the strawberry market is changing in our country. More and more dessert fruit is produced, and much less is produced for processing than a few years ago. In his opinion, selling fresh fruit brings growers higher income. He also noted that for now the processing industry is not talking about purchasing fruit, but – as he said – “the industry is generally interested in all fruit after frost.” He added that there were no major losses in strawberries in Mazovia.
Author: Anna Wysoczańska