Maintaining the price correction of construction materials for the second month in a row at -3%. means a slowdown in the average dynamics of the price reduction, and probably also the first signal of the materialization of premises announcing a change in the market situation in the foreseeable future. In the latest report of the PSB Group, the price dynamics in the wholesale channel amounted to -4.2%. and retail -2.1 percent
Average price dynamics of construction materials /
Reading of the price dynamics of construction materials by the PSB Group in February this year. indicates a sustained decline in both its dynamics and the number of items at the top of the table, i.e. those that are still rising in price. Cement-lime is still the leader in growth as the product group with the strongest increase year-on-year by almost 12%, ahead of paints, varnishes (+3.7%) and construction chemicals (+1.5%).
This time, as experts from the portal explain, the ratio of commodity groups increasing and decreasing in price year to year has changed in favor of the latter, amounting to 5 to 15. Among the materials that have been decreasing the fastest for months, OSB boards with wood and thermal insulation stand out. , this time with a year-on-year price regression of 24 and 10 percent, respectively.
Dynamics of building materials prices in February 2024 /
Therefore, as experts from the website point out, there is little indication that the downward trend in building materials prices will reverse in the immediate future. Their continuing negative dynamics and the currently growing number of product groups that are getting cheaper year to year may even indicate the developmental nature of the current trend.
Meanwhile, the issue of EUR 137 billion in KPO funds is receiving more and more attention in the media, and it seems only a matter of time before Poland obtains them, and we will only have time to spend them until the end of June 2026. In this situation, a strong accumulation of all types of investments seems inevitable, from housing, through roads and railways, to public utilities. In this situation, a sharp increase in demand seems inevitable not only for construction materials, but also for the services of construction companies. It is difficult to imagine that this would not result in an adequately strong increase in the prices of both materials and labor in the very foreseeable future.
As if that were not enough, the “great wave of renovations” related to the “Building Directive” recently adopted by the European Parliament is fast approaching. The development, implementation and implementation of a multi-year plan for the modernization of several million Polish houses and public buildings will probably for a long time guarantee many domestic producers of building materials not only full production capacity, but also prices at levels much higher than the current ones.