Recruitment for the president of Orlen. The company is looking for a successor to Obajtek

Luc Williams

The Supervisory Board announced that it is looking for a president, vice-president for finance and vice-president for strategy and sustainable development, as well as six members of the management board – for upstream, energy and energy transformation, retail sales, corporate affairs, wholesale trade and logistics and for .production.

Requirements for the position of president of Orlen

Candidates must have higher education and demonstrate at least 5 years of employment based on, among others: employment contract or the choice to pursue a business activity, as well as have at least 3 years of experience in managerial positions.

Applications should be submitted by March 1, 2024, by 3 p.m. (the date of receipt of the documents by the company is decisive), and interviews with selected candidates are to be conducted on March 11-15.

Previous management of Orlen

From February 5 he is no longer the president of Orlen Daniel Obajtek, who had previously made himself available to the supervisory board. They also resigned from their positions as board members Patrycja Klarecka, Jan Szewczak, Armen Artwich and Roman Róg.

From February 7 The management board of the Płock concern consists of: Witold Literacki (acting president of the management board); members of the supervisory board temporarily delegated to perform the duties of management board members – Kazimierz Mordaszewski, Tomasz Sójka and Tomasz Zieliński and member of the management board Józef Węgrecki.

What is the Orlen Group?

The Orlen Group is a multi-energy concern that owns, among others: refineries in Poland, the Czech Republic and Lithuania. He also manages the petrochemical segment and the hydrocarbon extraction segment. At the same time, it is developing the segment of renewable energy sources and plans to develop safe nuclear energy – by 2030 it intends to launch at least one small SMR nuclear reactor.

Last year, the Orlen Group’s strategy until 2030 was updated, taking into account its priority goals, especially after the merger with the Energa Group, Lotos Group and PGNiG. According to this document, the company is to invest over PLN 320 billion by the end of the decade.

author: Marek Siudaj


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