With the environment and social responsibility in mind. Alior Bank focuses on ESG

Luc Williams

In the strategy for 2023/2024, we decided to focus on several key initiatives. First of all, we want to respond to contemporary environmental and climate challenges. We are working on implementing the assessment of corporate client portfolios in terms of ESG factors

Krzysztof Bełz, ESG strategy manager of Alior Bank / Press materials

Another element of our strategy is to expand the banking offer with environmentally friendly products. This means that our customers will have access to financing that supports sustainable development. In just a few weeks, in March, in cooperation with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK), we will introduce two new products for entrepreneurs – Biznesmax Plus and Ekomax. They will support business clients in obtaining capital for development and pro-ecological investments. These guarantees are free instruments securing loan repayment. We address them to enterprises from the SME sector, which constitute an important pillar of the Polish economy.

We are aware that as a bank we must also reduce our impact on the environment. That’s why we plan to create our own zero-emission energy sources. The first step in this direction is a photovoltaic installation at our Data Center in Krakow. In this way, we want to move towards reducing the carbon footprint. For this purpose, we have expanded cardless payment offers and introduced the possibility of digitally signing contracts.

We also don’t forget to measure our CO2 emissions. We continue to measure direct and indirect emissions and are now preparing to calculate Scope 3 emissions.

We plan to introduce further pro-ecological initiatives, including the modernization of energy installations, further replacement of the car fleet with more ecological vehicles compliant with the EURO6 standard, construction of photovoltaic installations and the use of LED lighting and energy-saving devices in our branches and offices. This is important because it will allow us to better understand and manage our impact on emissions.

In 2023 – for the first time in history – we also started an in-depth assessment of the ESG Sustainalytics rating, which assesses the Bank’s activities in terms of risks related to the ESG area, and what we are very happy about, we achieved a 10-point improvement. We are aware that caring for the environment and adopting responsible business practices is not only a response to the expectations of modern society, but also a key element of lasting success and economic development.

ESG also means S. What is Alior Bank doing in this regard?

In the ESG area, we attach great importance to social aspects. We want to be a responsible employer. We care about improving the professional qualifications of our employees. We offer access to internal development programs such as Alior University or the reskilling program, under which people from the entire organization have the opportunity to gain programming, testing and analytical qualifications. This enables them to work in other departments of the bank responsible for software development and data analysis.

We also promote health prevention. Our employees can take advantage of a fully paid day for preventive tests of their choice, the so-called “A Day at U.” In addition, each employee has access to a high-class medical care package, which includes, among others: free and unlimited access to many specialists, including a dentist and a rehabilitation doctor. You can also benefit from a wide range of laboratory, radiological and ultrasound tests.

Alior Bank is, above all, people. We rely on them, which is reflected in one of the highest rates of commitment among employees in the banking sector. In 2023, we were among the best Polish employers awarded the Top Employer certificate. It is awarded to companies committed to creating a better work environment by implementing high standards in human resources management and HR practices.

Will ESG be a factor supporting innovation?

Everything indicates that yes. Business models and methods of cooperation are changing. We are constantly looking for areas to improve efficiency, reduce resources and close the loop. This is excellent ground for innovation. It can therefore be said that implementing ESG is not only a response to regulatory requirements and social expectations, but above all an opportunity to develop new markets, improve operational efficiency and build a lasting competitive advantage. Active ESG investing makes companies leaders in their industries, attracting investors and consumers interested in sustainable development. We, as Alior Bank, want to support customers in such a sustainable transformation.

Krzysztof Bełz,

Alior Bank ESG strategy manager

photo: press materials


Luc's expertise lies in assisting students from a myriad of disciplines to refine and enhance their thesis work with clarity and impact. His methodical approach and the knack for simplifying complex information make him an invaluable ally for any thesis writer.