The government of President Gustavo Petro decided to repeal Decree 1844 of 2018 last week, with which the National Police had been given powers to combat the carrying and distribution of drugs in public spaces, where consumption has increased.
After the controversy that arose in the country, the Minister of Justice, Néstor Iván Osuna, was invited this Sunday to Caracol News to explain to viewers why that decision was made. However, the presenter Daniela Pachón made it clear that the issue concerned her, not only as a journalist, but as her mother.
To which the portfolio manager responded: “Look, the best thing for your daughter is for you, with all the love you have for her, to explain to her what the risks of using drugs are, why it is harmful to do so. But if she is going to decide to do it, she should do it in certain circumstances, for example, at home, it is better than on the street.”
The minister’s statements, as expected, provoked all kinds of questions, as several national political figures criticized him. One of the last to refer to this topic was Miguel Uribe Turbay.
The senator stated in Vicky in Week that Osuna’s unusual response in the news clearly shows that he is a person with little empathy, emphasizing that one of the biggest worries that a father has is that his son becomes a drug addict.
“It was a completely unfortunate response and zero empathy with the journalist, as well as with parents. “A father’s biggest concern is that his son becomes a drug user, who probably does not do so by his own will, but because of the influence of a jíbaro,” initially stated.
Then, the Bogota native added: “One of the problems that one sees today in schools, at all socioeconomic levels, is the pressure to consume alcohol and drugs. Today we see how the jíbaros pressure children to consume. “We cannot facilitate a jíbaro in a park offering drugs to children.”
The congressman from the Democratic Center also took advantage of the dialogue with this medium to warn that The repeal of Decree 1844 of 2018, which had been issued during the mandate of former President Iván Duque, will trigger a “gigantic” social problem.