CNN reports that the work on growing the red pineapple took about 15 years. The first harvest took place in 2024 in China. Due to the interest in this species of fruit in the USA, there are plans to move their cultivation to Costa Rica. The wholesaler selling Rubyglow writes on its website that it is a “rare gem.”
The consumption of strawberries, mangoes and avocados is increasing
According to data from the Department of Agriculture, over the last 10 years there has been a significant increase in the consumption of premium fruit, including: strawberries, mango and avocado. At the same time, the consumption of cheaper and more popular fruits, such as apples and bananas, has not changed.
Japan is a leader in the production of luxury food products, including some of the most expensive strawberries in the world. A box containing 18 pieces of strawberries of three species – red Kotoka, light pink Awayukis and milky white Pearl White – reached the price of $780 (PLN 3,000) on the Japanese market, Bloomberg reported. The price is related to the difficult cultivation of this fruit, which is very sensitive to the sun, pests and damage during transport. The fruit is sold in boxes, with each strawberry packed separately in paper and Styrofoam.
Melons grown by Japanese farmers are also reaching record prices – two pieces of the Yubari King species were auctioned in 2019 for PLN 45,000. dollars (over PLN 176,000). These melons grow on small plantations, where, properly cared for, the plant produces one fruit per season, not – as usual – eight or more fruits.
CNN journalists state that the highest quality fruit goes primarily to exclusive restaurants, including those awarded with Michelin stars. However, over time, they may become available for general consumption – this was the case, among others, with Honeycrips apples, Cotton Candy grapes and Sumo Citrus, i.e. the so-called ugly oranges, which are a cross between navel oranges, pomelos and tangerines.