Belarusian bomb in Polish villages. Thousands of farmers stuffed into a bottle

Luc Williams

Agricultural organizations do not even try to hide the fact that this has happened big scandalwhich affected up to 7,000 Polish farmers. All they had to do was trust importers of agricultural equipment and officials in county offices.

Thousands of tractors from Lukashenko for scrap

The Warmian-Masurian Chamber of Agriculture was the first to alert that a major scam might have occurred, and the industry media immediately took up the matter. Everyone wonders how such an absurd situation could arise and demand money from farmers scrapping of tractorswhich you bought just a few years ago. It all started after 2016, when large batches were imported to Poland Belarusian tractors of the Belarus brand. Their relatively attractive price caused it to buy them about 7 thousand farmers. Problems began a few years later, when law enforcement authorities discovered that these machines had entered Poland without the appropriate EU certificates.

“The problem concerns thousands of farmers from all over Poland who purchased these tractors without being aware that these vehicles were used do not meet the requirements of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No. 167/2013 regarding approval. Now they are suffering the consequences because the law requires them to be withdrawn from use and some the cases have already reached the courts” – the Warmian-Masurian Chamber of Agriculture warned on social media.

The agricultural local government immediately defended the injured, and a quick investigation allowed us to locate the places where the accident most likely took place. breaking EU law. And the fault is not the farmers’, but the importer’s and the local ones’ district offices.

“There have been official decisions on the registration of these vehicles illegalbecause it lacked the European type approval required for the entry of non-EU vehicles. And it is not the officials or the importer, but the farmers who are now forced to scrap the tractors they bought loan often as basic machines on the farm,” says the agricultural government.

Farmers feel cheated. They will lose millions of zlotys

The Chamber of Agriculture asked the National Council of Agricultural Chambers for urgent intervention to prevent the deregistration of up to 7,000 tractors that came to Poland after January 1, 2016. The industry media also began to put pressure on the national authorities to take a position on this shocking issue. The Agricultural Weekly managed to obtain a comment from the Ministry of Infrastructure, which, however, does not seem to leave much hope that the ministry will somehow be able to help the injured farmers.

“Cases conducted by the prosecutor’s office and administrative courts, related to decisions issued by starostes on the registration of specific vehicles, are conducted through individual proceedingsin which the Ministry of Infrastructure is not a party,” the ministry said in response to questions from Tygodnik Rolniczy, adding at the same time that it was working on developing clear regulations o allowing non-EU vehicles to be used.


Luc's expertise lies in assisting students from a myriad of disciplines to refine and enhance their thesis work with clarity and impact. His methodical approach and the knack for simplifying complex information make him an invaluable ally for any thesis writer.