Deputy Minister of Agriculture: By rejecting the Green Deal, farmers will lose PLN 3 billion a year

Luc Williams

Green Deal

Deputy Minister of Agriculture Adam Nowak stated on Friday on Tok FM radio that the demonstration against the Green Deal organized in Warsaw is of a political nature and is an element of the PiS election campaign before the European Parliament elections.

“I talked this morning with the leaders of agricultural organizations, trade unions and informal groups (…) and they are not taking part in this protest, although they have been active in talks and negotiations with Minister Siekierski, Minister Kołodziejczak and the Prime Minister in recent months,” Nowak said.

According to the deputy minister, Friday's protest is intended to demonstrate the ability of “Solidarity” and Solidarity of Individual Farmers to gather people, and farmers play the role of “supplementing the crowd” in these demonstrations.

“I have not noticed specific demands and issues presented by farmers – apart from those consistently presented by PiS candidates to the European Parliament, i.e. abolishing, abolishing, plowing in the Green Deal,” Adam Nowak pointed out.

The deputy head of the ministry recalled that the current government had won changes to the provisions most unfavorable to farmers, including: regarding mandatory fallowing, and the assumptions of the Green Deal were accepted at the European level by its predecessors, including personally by the then Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

Nowak emphasized that thanks to the changes introduced in the Green Deal, farmers can now set their land fallow voluntarily and receive subsidies for environmental and climate practices, the so-called ecoschemas. “PLN 3 billion is allocated for this annually. By abolishing the Green Deal, additional payments will be eliminated. Over 400,000 farmers have submitted applications for them,” he noted.

Farmers' protest

On Friday after At 12, a demonstration against the Green Deal organized by NSZZ “Solidarność” started from Castle Square in Warsaw. During it, trade unionists are to collect signatures for a petition for a referendum on this matter.

The demonstration is held under the slogan: “Down with the Green Deal”, and its organizers are NSZZ “Solidarność” and NSZZ Rolników Indywidualnych “Solidarność”. The protesters carry Polish flags and banners: “Down with the Green Deal”, “Let Brussels eat worms, we prefer pork chops and potatoes.” Fruit growers from Grójec carry a several-meter-high figure of death with a scythe. You can also see slogans: “We are all farmers”, “Yes for CPK”.

The march participants also include Law and Justice politicians, led by the party's leader, Jarosław Kaczyński. Kaczyński previously noted that PiS politicians will participate in the protest not as a political formation, but as citizens. (PAP)


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