Stock investors live in turbulent times. On the one hand, it is difficult to find “sure” assets – there are no industries or sectors, and therefore no companies, about which one could assume that their valuations on the stock exchange will only go up (even if very slowly). Suffice it to say that problems have recently affected even the electromobility sector, which for a long time seemed to be such a case. For example, Fisker, which was supposed to be Tesla's competitor, collapses, and the latter's shares now cost just over $170, while at the beginning of the year they fluctuated around $260.
There is also no shortage of emotions on the Polish stock exchange lately. Their symbol may be, for example, the massive crash that happened to the shares of the Polish clothing giant LPP in mid-March.
image description / Press materials
On the other hand, the capital market and what is happening there still hold opportunities. The Polish stock exchange has been climbing quite steadily since mid-January, and the main indices of the American stock exchange are again close to their highest levels. Those interested in investing should not ignore these trends, especially since over-the-counter forms of investing are risky, such as buying on the already very hot real estate market, or bring small profits, such as bank deposits.
All this is happening in a world where ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds, listed investment funds) are increasingly important on the capital market and almost everyone is talking about AI – in the context of both searching for promising companies that have heavily invested in this solution, and and tools using artificial intelligence algorithms and supporting investing.
Eight cities, the most important topics
Before starting any stock market investment, you need to acquire appropriate knowledge. This opportunity is provided by free meetings for individual stock exchange investors or people who want to become them, prepared by the Brokerage House of Bank Ochrony Środowiska (DM BOŚ). It is worth adding that it is one of the oldest and often distinguished capital market institutions in rankings.
Meetings under the common title “Megatrends in investing. Are you part of them?” will be held in eight Polish cities: Bydgoszcz, Sopot, Warsaw, Łódź, Wrocław, Katowice, Kraków and Poznań. The first one – May 28 in Bydgoszcz, the last one – June 13 in Poznań.
The meetings were divided into four panels lasting several dozen minutes, during which you will have the opportunity to listen to stock exchange experts and ask them questions. They all start at 5 p.m. and end at 8:15 p.m., so they take place at a time that does not interfere with the professional duties of most of the interested parties.
During the meetings, experts from DM BOŚ will practically discuss all the most important topics affecting capital markets and their participants today. They will try to answer, for example, the age-old, fundamental question of what to invest in: stocks, raw materials or bonds? They will explain why ETF funds have become one of the most valued ideas for stock market investments in recent years.
There will also be training for the most beginners entitled “First steps on the stock exchange – what do you need to know to become an investor?” DM BOŚ experts will also consider, among others: together with the listeners, whether there are fashionable investment strategies today and what it's really like with artificial intelligence. Is this another .com bubble or an investment opportunity of a lifetime?
There will also be advice on how to optimally include stock market investing in individual retirement plans, using specific legal and tax solutions, and, for example, how to best build your portfolio based on ETFs – which ones to choose and why.
Interviews with stock exchange practitioners
A big advantage of the free meetings organized by DM BOŚ is the fact that all panels will be led by recognized experts who have been associated with the capital market for years.
Among them will be, for example, Marek Rogalski, chief currency analyst of DM BOŚ. He is a valued commentator of market events in the largest Polish media, he has won the competition for the best analyst several times in “Puls Biznesu” and “Gazeta Giełdy Parkiet”, and since 2019 he has been running his own regular program Świat Walut, where he discusses live every day the situation on the FX market and answers viewers' questions.
You will also be able to meet Artur Wiśniewski during the training – he is a stock broker, founder of the blog and co-founder of the Atlas ETF portal. He is the creator of many analyzes and interviews, as well as an individual investor who prefers long-term investing using cheap and simple tools – ETFs, shares and bonds.
They will also talk about the prospects for global markets, among others: Konrad Ryczko and Michał Pietrzyca, analysts at DM BOŚ. The first of them is a valued practitioner and investor on the capital market in Poland, a market commentator in press titles (“Parkiet”, “Puls Biznesu”), television and radio media. The second is the chief futures strategist, bossaFund analyst, author of daily analyzes “Foreign company of the day” and stock market session analyses. Both are the authors of the new report “Stock markets in the shadow of geopolitics”, available at This time there will be a chance to meet them in person and talk to them during the training cycle.
More information about the series, specific dates and cities can be found at