Government prepares the decree to modify the board of directors of Icetex; these are the changes

Luc Williams

During this Wednesday, November 8, the national government published the draft decree with which it plans to modify the board of directors of Icetex. In this way, with this change there would be nine members, since the document indicates that a representative of final year university students and a universal representative of users of the entity would enter.

According to the project, the board would be formed as follows:

  • The Minister of Education or the Deputy Minister, who will preside over it.
  • A representative of the Council of Higher Education.
  • A representative of the National Accreditation Council.
  • A representative of the Public Universities.
  • A representative of Private Universities.
  • A representative of the governors, appointed by the Colombian Federation of Governors.
  • A representative of the mayors, appointed by the Colombian Federation of Municipalities.
  • A student using Icetex in the last year of university; of a public or private institution.
  • A universal representative of Icetex users.

“The General Secretariat of Icetex will ensure that the call processes are carried out, periodically and with due notice, before the expiration of the periods for which these representatives were designated before the Board of Directors, in order to guarantee their succession or in the event of a lack absolute”, indicates the document.

However, potential members must meet a series of requirements to be eligible.

Icetex student user representative:

1. Have an active obligation with the entity, during the study period. The document specifies that you have an active obligation when you are a beneficiary of any financial support program, scholarship or subsidy granted or administered by Icetex, whether refundable, partially or fully forgivable.

2. Be studying, at the time of registration, the last year of an academic program at a public or private university registered in the National Higher Education Information System, regardless of its duration.

3. Have a certificate issued by the corresponding public or private university that corroborates that the student is not on academic probation or the equivalent figure.

5. Residing in the national territory.

6. Have a letter of academic or professional recommendation.

Universal representative of Icetex users

1. Have an active obligation with Icetex during the study, grace or amortization period. The document indicates that you have an active obligation when you are a beneficiary of any financial support program, scholarship or subsidy granted or administered by Icetex, whether refundable, partially or fully forgivable.

2. Have paid to your refundable credit obligation in any of its lines and at the time of registration, the value in pesos equivalent to the total amount disbursed without interest.

3. For users of subsidy, scholarship or forgivable credit programs, granted with third-party resources through funds or alliances established by public and private entities with the Institute, the requirement described above will be deemed met when a number of disbursements have been made. equal to or greater than half of those projected to be disbursed according to the study program.

5. Have the support of twenty Icetex users in the study, grace or amortization period, who support your application.

6. Residing in the national territory.

7. Have a letter of academic or professional recommendation.


Luc's expertise lies in assisting students from a myriad of disciplines to refine and enhance their thesis work with clarity and impact. His methodical approach and the knack for simplifying complex information make him an invaluable ally for any thesis writer.