How to choose the ideal career for me?

Luc Williams

Choosing the career you are going to study is one of the first steps to begin your university career, but that does not make it the easiest. In truth, choosing a profession can be one of the most complex and overwhelming decisions there are, since there are many factors at play in this choice that will determine the direction of your future.

Although it is possible that you will change careers eventually, the ideal is that from the beginning you can find the ideal profession for you, so that you do not invest monetary resources or time in something that may never have been of your complete interest. So if you’re looking for tips on choosing the perfect career for you, read on.

How to choose my ideal career?

In order to find the ideal career for you, it is important that you receive professional vocational guidance, but if you still do not receive it, informing yourself about your options is a great first step.

But in addition to knowing your options, the most important thing is that you know yourself, why? Because at the end of the day you have to consider doing something that really satisfies you, helps your development and self-realization. This is why we recommend that you take these 3 factors into account when considering a career.

1. Coknow your passions

What is it that you move? If you still don’t know what you are passionate about, you should introspect on what motivates you to continue. Give yourself a moment alone and in silence to think about what your dream job would be like. What is it? What do you think you should do to get there? It is important to know this because your passion is practically everything you can do without getting tired, and always with the pleasure of doing it.

2. Discover your talents

We all have something that differentiates us from others and what we are good at. What is that? something for you? It can be a sporting, artistic discipline or even a hobby that you have. In this case, what you should do is unite your talent with your passions, how? Becoming passionate about your talent. This way you can dedicate yourself to doing what excites you. and you are truly good at doing.

3. Life project

The third point is your life project, that is, how do you imagine living your life and what do you want for it? For this point we consider an indispensable factor: time. Here, you must stop and think about how you would like your life to be and, to do that, think about what you do to get there and how you use your time from today.

If you still don’t know your passions, talents and/or life project, or want to know yourself more in depth, don’t worry! You can receive the best help to find that thing that will help you become the best version of yourself.

Things that should not influence your choice

The decision about what to study is yours, no one else's.

As we had already mentioned, there are many factors that influence the career choice process and, just as there are some that you must take into account, there are also others that should not influence your decision but that unfortunately are present from the beginning of your career. process. Here we mention some of the most common ones that you should avoid in order to make the best decision.

1. The opinion of others

It is common for others to have some expectations regarding us, but it is very important that you remember that whoever will study it’s you. Regardless of what makes other people happy, when choosing a career the only relevant opinion or happiness is yours.

2. Salary

Yes, the work field of your career and what you will receive financially are important, but it does not mean that they are the most relevant. You must remember to choose something because you are passionate about it and are good at it, because it is what you will do for the rest of your life. The salary you can earn is a factor that adds to your goals, but it will not guarantee that you feel happy or fulfilled.

3. What your friends will study

If you are considering studying a degree just because your friends will study it, you may want to think twice. It is crucial that you consider the 3 factors to consider a career that we mentioned above: Passion + Talent = Life Project. If studying what your friends will study doesn’t cover these, then you should start looking for options that fit your profile.

4. The tendency

You may be considering a bachelor’s or engineering degree that is ‘trendy’, and if so, just remember that it covers all three factors in choosing a career. If not, you may need to reconsider that option.

Know your options

If you already know your talents, passions and you know what your life project is, perfect! You are very close to finding your ideal career. Our department of Vocational orientation can help you discover these and find the degree for you.

At the Anáhuac Querétaro University we have 32 different programs among which you can find the career that will lead you to fulfill all your dreams. Furthermore, if your hobbies and passions include sports or artistic and cultural activities, we have 27 representative teams, 11 companies and 7 Anáhuac Leadership and Excellence Programs, where you can continue developing, make friends who will become your family, and above all everything, to be your best version.

If after these tips for choosing a career you still have doubts about what to study, you can take our vocational guidance test gratuitous. Choosing which career to study is not an everyday activity, so don’t put pressure on yourself and better inform yourself and know yourself to make the right decision for you.

Vocational orientation


Luc's expertise lies in assisting students from a myriad of disciplines to refine and enhance their thesis work with clarity and impact. His methodical approach and the knack for simplifying complex information make him an invaluable ally for any thesis writer.