Concrete disease, i.e. excessive covering of cities with concrete surfaces, is a problem that affects many modern metropolises. More and more urban areas are being paved, leading to many negative environmental and social impacts. One of the effective ways to combat this phenomenon is to use Hydromedia water-permeable concrete from Holcim Polska. This innovative building material allows for more sustainable stormwater management, which is crucial in the context of climate change and increasing urbanization.
Hydromedia is a water-permeable, universal surface that enables very quick drainage of rainwater into the ground or sewage systems. It also prevents the effect of local flooding, as it is a great water reservoir in the event of sudden and heavy rainfall. This is an ecological solution that drains rainwater into the ground, promoting the natural circulation of water in nature. This structure differs from traditional concrete, which is almost completely impermeable to water.
Traditional concrete and asphalt absorb solar heat, which leads to an increase in temperature and contributes to the formation of the so-called urban heat islands. Hydromedia water-permeable concrete, designed and made on permeable base layers, thanks to its structures, better transmits heat and promotes water evaporation, which contributes to surface cooling.
Water retention in cities is becoming an increasingly urgent problem that metropolises around the world must face. The increase in urbanization leads to a significant reduction in permeable areas, which hinders the natural infiltration of rainwater. Even light rainfall can lead to serious problems when there are insufficient green areas or retention systems. The solution is Hydromedia together with permeable layers in the substructure, which not only retain rainwater, but also improve the habitat conditions of newly planted trees. Traditional paved surfaces are unfriendly to plants. The Holcim solution allows vegetation to grow near paved areas, which helps increase biodiversity in cities. Such vegetation not only improves the aesthetics of urban space, but also serves important ecological functions.
The use of Hydromedia water-permeable concrete fits into the concept of sustainable urban development. Increasing permeable surfaces, promoting green spaces and effective stormwater management are key elements of the cities of the future. Water-permeable concrete contributes to the creation of facilities that are more friendly and resistant to climate change. The use of Hydromedia together with permeable base layers is an example of the interaction of green and gray infrastructure, leading to an increase in the level of ecosystem services and can be treated as an example of a nature-based solution.
Water-permeable concrete is widely used in various urban and rural areas. It can be used to build sidewalks, parking lots, squares, bicycle paths and even roads with low traffic. Its use is particularly effective in parks, playgrounds and other places where it is important to maintain natural water circulation.
Water-permeable concrete is an innovative solution that can significantly contribute to the fight against concreteosis and improving the quality of life in cities. Its use allows for more sustainable management of rainwater, reducing the risk of local flooding, improving the quality of groundwater, reducing the urban heat island effect and increasing biodiversity. Therefore, in the face of growing challenges related to climate change, water-permeable concrete may be a key element of local governments’ sustainable development strategies.
Read more in the DGP Appendix Cities of the future
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