Merger of Orlen and Lotos. The Prime Minister announces the disclosure of “shocking aspects of the authorities’ actions”.

Luc Williams

The Prime Minister said during the press conference after the government meeting that, in addition to the Supreme Audit Office, other state services are also analyzing what happened in Orlen and Lotos. “We are not only talking about a merger here,” Tusk said. As he noted, in recent months “we have witnessed many shocking events” surrounding the activities of Orlen, Lotos and Orlen’s president, Daniel Obajtek.

As he said, everything he knows now is based only on materials prepared by his predecessors. In his opinion, this puts “Mr. (former head of MAP Jacek – PAP) Sasin and Mr. Obajtek in a really bad light.”

“We are investigating these matters and will draw legal and organizational consequences,” he announced. He asked for patience in clarifying the matters because they concern “our serious interests, caution is advisable here.”

“Shocking aspects of action”

“Soon, the public will also learn about the shocking aspects of the actions of some of the government and Orlen’s management in the context of Lotos, but also in the context of investment and energy plans,” said the head of government.

Orlen’s statement on Monday stated that “the merger of Orlen with Grupa Lotos was of key importance for strengthening the country’s raw material and fuel security.” “Thanks to this transaction, Rafinera Gdańska also has funds for investments necessary to adapt its business to the requirements of the EU climate policy,” it was noted. This position is titled “ORLEN’s statement regarding the alleged findings of the Supreme Audit Office regarding the merger with Grupa LOTOS”.

As noted in the position, “the sale of part of Lotos’ assets, resulting from the implementation of remedial measures indicated by the European Commission, was carried out in accordance with the market valuation of these assets, with full respect for legal provisions and under the supervision of state authorities.” “Taking this into account, the Supreme Audit Office’s allegations against the Orlen-Lotos merger are unjustified,” the company said.

In 2022, the District Court for Łódź-Śródmieście in Łódź, 20th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, registered the merger of PKN Orlen with Grupa Lotos.

Earlier, in January 2022, in accordance with EC requirements, Orlen presented remedial measures planned in connection with the takeover of Grupa Lotos. Among others it was reported that the Hungarian MOL would take over 417 gas stations of the Lotos Group network in Poland, and Orlen would buy from MOL 144 gas stations in Hungary and 41 gas stations in Slovakia. The fuel and asphalt logistics area within the Lotos Terminale company will be purchased by Unimot. Lotos Biopaliwa will be purchased by Rossi Biofuel.

As Orlen reported, it negotiated that Saudi Aramco would buy 30 percent. shares of the Lotos Group refinery in Gdańsk and agreed a long-term contract for deliveries from PLN 200,000. up to 337 thousand barrels of oil per day, while the target volume of supplies of Saudi raw material should be 20 million tons per year. (PAP)

author: Aneta Oksiuta, Aleksandra Kiełczykowska


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