Minister Sikorski suspended the Ministry of Diplomacy’s participation in the Poland program. Business Harbour

Luc Williams

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs recalled in a statement that the program was created in September 2020 to attract IT specialists and IT companies from Belarus to Poland, and was then extended to countries such as Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Armenia. From September 2022, as part of the so-called business path, it covered companies from strategic industries from all over the world. The rules of operation of the program were determined by its operators: The Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the Polish Investment and Trade Agency and the Ministry of Development and Technology.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Radosław Sikorski decided to suspend the participation of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Poland Program. Business Harbour until solutions are adopted that guarantee proper verification of companies and foreigners who are its beneficiaries“- informed the ministry.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that in its opinion the Poland program. Business Harbor did not live up to expectations. “Reservations were raised in the public space, among others, regarding the use of visas issued under the Program for purposes inconsistent with its assumptions,” we read in the press release.

“Foreigners applying for employment in the IT sector in Poland can still apply for visas on general terms and – if all requirements are met – obtain a visa entitling them to work in the territory of the Republic of Poland. Regardless of the above, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will start working on streamlining visa procedures for representatives of the economic sector, especially in the industries most desired by the Polish economy,” emphasized the Ministry of Diplomacy. (PAP)

author: Wiktoria Nicałek


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