In the space of Vicky in Weekthe charismatic presenter said that with his Show They have achieved an important objective, bringing music to deep Colombia and entertaining thousands of people. “Where it is done The star show There is never the slightest inconvenience. Neither a guerrilla takeover nor a death, there is absolutely nothing.” What’s more, she took the opportunity to tell a curious anecdote that occurred in Cartagena del Chairá.
“The priest came up to me and said: ‘I congratulate you, Jorge, because there hasn’t been a death for eight days. Since you have been with your program, zero deaths’. It is the great satisfaction that this program gives one because it shows people that Colombians really are good people. We Colombians listen, we Colombians can, one day, achieve that peace so admired, but as long as we achieve a series of conditions, which is not done with bullets, or decrees, or anything like that. I believe that we are going to achieve that,” said Barón.
Regarding his desire for peace, Jorge Barón also shared his opinion regarding why this desire has been elusive for the country.
“Total peace is very far from being achieved. First we have to talk about social justice. First we have to talk about the poor not becoming poorer every day, but rather the poor getting closer to the rich. That we don’t have so much poverty in Colombia. “That those peasants who do so much good for the country have the possibility that their children can study, be able to prepare themselves and not continue in the same ignorance that has led them to that poverty,” considered.
Under his reading, these elements appear among the causes why Colombia has not managed to achieve peace. “A generation is growing that is a little resentful of always being in such a disadvantageous situation (…). The first thing we have to do, before investing in weapons, is invest in education.”
“There is no interest in there being peace”
“There is no interest in there being peace. If I can get there, everyone can get there. But there are places in that deep Colombia where not even the politicians in the campaign reach, where no one goes, then the peasants have a very difficult job to be able to sell their products,” Barón said in the space Vicky in Week.
During the Interview, Barón stated that he makes his criticisms with authority. Along these lines, he indicated that seeing things from Bogotá is “very easy.”
“I say it with authority because I am going and getting into the mud. I am there, not here in my office, sitting and calm. I go, I get into the mud, and I realize how those people are living, how those people have to fight to get ahead. Shaking the hands of the peasant is what gives me strength and the desire to be able to express through the media what I am saying today for the first time,” he added.