Poland is a leader in the Baltic Sea
Maritime trade – as “PB” notes – is necessary for the development of trade relations with other continents, so the Baltic Sea plays a strategically important role for Polish economic development.
Back in 2004, when Poland joined the European Union, Polish ports played a marginal role in the international trade system. At that time, transshipment in Polish ports was smaller than in Latvian ports, and Polish trade developed mainly due to the expansion of road connections. Until 2009, little changed: the volume of transshipment did not increase, and the shares of Polish ports actually decreased.
A big change since 2010
“However, since 2010, a fundamental change has occurred – Polish ports began to grow both in terms of volumes and shares in European trade. In 2010, Poland overtook Germany in terms of transhipments carried out in the Baltic Sea, in 2019 Sweden, in 2021 Denmark, in 2022 Finland, and in 2023 the total value for Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia,” informs “PB”.
The leader in terms of development is – as “Puls Biznesu” points out – Gdańskwhich has advanced to the largest ports in the EU. “In 2008, in terms of transhipment volume, it was in 64th place, in 2013 it moved up to 41st, in 2018 to 23rd, and in 2023 to 7th. On the Baltic Sea itself, Gdańsk is the largest EU port and the second overall after the Russian port of Ust- “Ługa” – emphasizes the editorial team. (PAP)