Post-mining areas in Poland are turning into renewable energy resources

Luc Williams

Post-mining areas, which have low value for agriculture and the environment, become a good place to develop solar and wind farms. The transformation has been taking place in Greater Poland for several years, where the largest energy groups are investing. It is the lignite basins that are the first to undergo transformation.

Energa from the Orlen Group operates in areas reclaimed after the lignite discovery of the Adamów mine (ZE PAK). It built the Przykona wind farm with a capacity of 31 MW and two photovoltaic power plants: PV Gryf (25 MW) and PV Przykona (approx. 1 MW). Two more photovoltaic farms are already being built in the immediate vicinity: PV Mitra (65 MW) and PV Żuki (2.4 MW). Their construction should be completed this year, the company informed us.

EDP ​​Renewables (EDPR) also invested in the area of ​​the former Adamów mine in the Przykona commune, which launched the second largest solar farm in Poland so far in September last year. The power plant has a total installed capacity of 200 MWp and will generate nearly 220 GWh of energy annually. The area of ​​270 ha accommodated over 308,000 people. double-sided photovoltaic panels.

This is not the end of renewable energy investments in the Przykona commune.

Ultimately, 650-700 MW of new power will be built in the commune – he told Mirosław Broniszewski, mayor of the Przykona commune, during the opening ceremony of the EDPR farm. He added that the development of new sources will allow for the diversification of income and compensation for lost revenues from the mine tax.

Moon landscape

The Kleczew commune also wants to fill the budget gap with revenues from renewable energy sources after the Konin mine ended the exploitation of the Jóźwin II open pit last year. On the post-mining areas, Lewandpol in Płock has launched a solar-wind project with a target capacity of 334 MW, which is planned to be taken over by the Orlen Group. The Kleczew commune is looking for an investor for another hybrid, large-scale farm that could be built on post-mining areas.

We want not only to lease the land, but also in the agreement with the investor to provide the commune with part of the proceeds from the sale of energy, which can be compared to the PPP formula. I estimate the cost of investing in a wind and solar farm in our area at over PLN 1 billion. The implementation of this investment would allow the commune to get back on its feet – says Mariusz Musiałowski, mayor of the Kleczew commune, in an interview with

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