Road control. What do you need to have with you in 2025?

Luc Williams

Currently, the right allows the driver to drive a motor vehicle without having a driving license, registration certificate or even liability insurance. Such a luxury for drivers was introduced on December 5, 2020. Amending the Road Traffic Act.

Now all data about the vehicle and driver can check the policeman in the Central Register of Vehicles and Drivers (CEPIK).

Necessary document when inspection

However, for a policeman to be able to carry out the inspection, he must first identify the driver, and for this you need Identity proof. And this is the key document without which the driver should not drive the car. It can be Plastic ID card, passport or installed on a smartphone with access to the network Mobiator application.

What if the driver also forgot an identity card? The problems begin here. It is true that the lack of identity proof does not threaten a mandate, but he may expose the driver to other unpleasantness. Policemen may temporarily stop until the controlled identity is confirmed.

You can not drive without documents in every case

The regulations very precisely determine who the exemption from the obligation to show relevant documents to the officer conducting road inspection. The exemption includes people who have a driving license issued in Poland and owners or co -owners of the vehiclewhich means that their data is contained in the Central Register of Vehicles and Drivers (CEPIK). This means that the lack of an obligation to have both registration certificate with both registration applies to persons who drive cars registered in Poland, whose data is given in the Cepik database.

Therefore, if we are traveling on Polish roads registered in another country, the car registration document should be with you. Its lack can be quite expensive. In this case, the tariff provides a fine of up to PLN 500.

What else do you need to have in the car?

During road check, in addition to documents, a policeman can also check the mandatory equipment of the car. There are few of them, but their lack can also cost dearly. The first is powder extinguisher, which should be placed in an available place. The lack of a fire extinguisher is a fine of up to PLN 500. The second element of the compulsory car equipment is A warning triangle, which is lacking in a fine of up to PLN 500.


Luc's expertise lies in assisting students from a myriad of disciplines to refine and enhance their thesis work with clarity and impact. His methodical approach and the knack for simplifying complex information make him an invaluable ally for any thesis writer.