While the European Union is working on the next package sanctions against Russiathis country decided to take revenge and attack the West with tariffs. However, he targeted only those countries that were on the list of the so-called unfriendly.
Russia attacks Poland and Germany. Losses are coming
And it was decided to attack now beera large part of which is imported from Western countries. Data for last year presented by the Russian Association of Retail Trade Companies show that imported beers accounted for as much as 25 percent of the entire market, which now, after an increase in customs duties, will change significantly. There is no reason to delude yourself that customers will accept it calmly big raisesbecause from the new year customs duties increased as much as tenfoldfrom 10 eurocents per liter to 1 euro. The increase will be most noticeable for the cheaper and therefore most popular brands.
– Prices such beer will increase twice. I do not rule out that retailers will ultimately refuse to purchase these products at all, because after the increase, the price difference compared to local licensed beer or domestic premium brands will be 40-50 percent, says Igor Khavsky, co-owner of the Gletcher brewery and Swam Group distributor.
It is estimated that the tariffs will cause the most popular Western brands, which have so far been eagerly purchased by residents of Russian cities, to increase in price from about 75 rubles (about PLN 3) per can to even 165 rubles (PLN 6). It will be much worse in establishments whose owners have already warned that customs duties will force them to increase the price of a glass of beer to even 700 rubles (PLN 28).
Poland increased its exports to Russia five times
The mere fact that the Russians will have to switch to local drinks it will certainly not keep anyone in Poland or in Europe awake at night, but there is also the other side of the coin – the blow will be felt by European companies. The most Germany will sufferwhich in 2024 were in first place in terms of exports of the golden drink to Russia, sending it as many as 105,000. tone. The Czechs will also get their money’s worth, exporting 33,000. tons, Lithuanians, Belgians and Poles. From our country last year went to Russia 18 thousand tons of beer, and as The Moscow Times points out, Poland in just 12 months increased its sales to the East fivefold.
However, the Chinese can sleep well, as their beer exports to Russia were third (30,000 tons) and they will certainly count on additional profits. Their country was not on the list of “unfriendly” countries.