SENA announced the opening of a new call for in-person and virtual training, which will be open from September 2 to 8 so that those interested can choose the program that best suits their needs and schedules.
“Administrative Assistance, Cooking, Software Programming, Business Management or Data Network Management are some of the programs that will be found in this national call that also seeks to promote education for the population that is a victim of the armed conflict, for people who are part of the Reincorporation and Normalization Program and the Youth in Peace Program.”said Lizeth Cortez, a professional from the SENA Training Department.
These are the steps to register:
- Go to:
- Find the box on the bottom left that says ‘What do you want to study?’, and select the type of program (operator, assistant, technical specialization, technician or technologist), enter a keyword (Cooking, for example), the city in which you want to study and click ‘Search’.
- All the data of the training program appears.
- If you are already registered, enter your details to begin the registration process.
- If you are not registered, you must click on ‘Register’ and follow the steps.
- To register or enroll in a training program at any level, you are now required to upload your valid ID to SOFIA Plus.
- If you are already registered, please log in to the platform and select ‘Applicant Registration’, ‘Person Registration’ and ‘Documents’. Upload your document.
- Please note the upload specifications: PDF format, scan the original document; document orientation: vertical, size up to 2 MB.
- You can also call the toll-free number in Bogotá at 601 7366060 and outside Bogotá at 018000-910270.
“Any questions about SENA’s free training programs should be consulted exclusively through the Entity’s official channels, such as the website, social networks @SENAComunica or by visiting the nearest training center,” SENA stressed.
How to request support assistance from the Sena
It is important to emphasize that only students who meet the following requirements can access this subsidy:
- Be enrolled in a qualified training program, excluding special business offer programs, virtual and/or distance learning, and media articulation programs.
- Have Sisbén or be a beneficiary of an EPS, that is, be in the subsidized or contributory regime (not be a contributor).
- Not having a learning contract at the time of receiving support.
- Not having employment, sponsorship or internships that generate economic income.
- Not having had any registration conditions in the three months prior to the award date.
- Not receive any other type of subsidy from mayors, community councils, state agencies or SENA, including lodging or boarding services, designation as a monitor, or pension.
- Not having been a beneficiary of support in another training program.
- Register for the call for support within the established deadlines.
- Achieve good academic performance.
Please note that to access this type of benefit you must be aware of the entity’s calendars and call schedules, as you can only apply when this type of process is open to applications. Students belonging to strata 1 and 2 will have higher priority.