“Solidarity” from Turów asks PGE about the future of the mine and is preparing for a strike

Luc Williams

The head of NSZZ “Solidarność” at KWB Turów, Wojciech Ilnicki, told PAP that meetings with trade union organizations have been held in the mine in recent days. “We asked questions, among others: from the owner of Turów about what actions he intends to take,” said Ilnicki. He added that trade unionists were waiting for Father's decision appeal against the Provincial Administrative Court's judgment.

Preparations for a strike

Ilnicki also said that the works committee of NSZZ “Solidarność” was transformed into protest and strike committee and authorized the union's presidium to enter into collective dispute. “Now we are waiting for the owner's actions regarding the appeal against the verdict,” he said.

Invalid judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court (Provincial Administrative Court) in Warsaw was decided on Wednesday. The court emphasized that the decision does not result in suspension of operations or even closure Turów mineand was not subject to court review at all state energy policy.

Problem with the license

Ilnicki, commenting earlier on the Provincial Administrative Court's ruling for PAP, noted that the court's decision does not suspend the case mining in the Turów mine until 2026. “But in 2026, if we do not have a new license, this ruling will stop mining. We won't get it in such a short time new concession – this is impossible taking into account the entire procedure, including the cross-border procedure. Therefore, this decision clearly states that Turów will be closed after 2026,” said the trade unionist.

The Provincial Administrative Court indicated that the only reason repeal of the environmental decision there were allegations referring to the agreement between the governments of Poland and the Czech Republic on cooperation in addressing the effects resulting from the operation of the mine. The contract was signed on February 3, 2022.

“Such an agreement is important for the acts of applying the law, and such an act of applying the law is undoubtedly the decision on the environmental conditions for the implementation of the project. (…) Meanwhile, in the contested decision, the authority explicitly stated that it is not important for the decision in this case. In the opinion court, such a position is wrong,” concluded judge Łuczaj.

The verdict is only for the mine

PGE GiEK spokeswoman Sandra Apanasionek said on Wednesday that “the Provincial Administrative Court's judgment does not mean the suspension of the operations of the Turoszów energy complex, which will continue to supply electricity to national energy system“. She added that “PGE GiEK is waiting for the written justification of the judgment and is analyzing possible scenarios for further actions in the case.”

The case has been initiated complaints from environmentalists and German local government officials from border areas regarding the environmental decision of the General Director for Environmental Protection of September 30, 2022 relating to “Continued exploitation of the Turów lignite deposit, carried out in the Bogatynia commune”.

The decision of GDOŚ, challenged in court, partially repealed and partially upheld the earlier environmental decision on this matter issued by the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Wrocław. In February 2023, based on the decision of GDOŚ from autumn 2022, the Minister of Climate and Environment extended the concession for Turów beyond 2026 – until 2044.

author: Piotr Doczekalski


Luc's expertise lies in assisting students from a myriad of disciplines to refine and enhance their thesis work with clarity and impact. His methodical approach and the knack for simplifying complex information make him an invaluable ally for any thesis writer.