Steps to register in the Master System 2025, 1,153 new places were enabled

Luc Williams

The Master System is a program of the National Government and its main objective is to open vacancies for classroom teachers and guidance teachers through a provisional appointment. According to the information provided by the Ministry of Education, these appointments must be made by Certified Territorial entities, that is, the Secretariats of Education of each area of ​​the country.

Likewise, the Secretaries of Education are in charge of verifying that applicants to this program send the required supports and meet all the requirements. Once the process is completed, these entities will determine whether or not the candidate is suitable for the position in question.

For this 2025, registration for this program will be enabled from this Monday, January 13, and according to the MinEducación and the Ministry of Cultures, it will be focused on the strategic line of Arts for the Construction of Peace. The positions available range from dance, theater, literature, poetry, audiovisual media.

These are the professionals who will be able to enroll in the program

They must be over 18 years old and under 70.

Have the title of Higher Normalist, Bachelor of Education

Have work experience in the teaching sector.

Not be linked to a temporary plant for a defined term.

Not hold a proprietary position within the special administrative, teaching and/or teaching management career system.

Have additional studies, such as postgraduate studies, although these are not mandatory, they are considered when selecting teachers. It should be noted that they are chosen on merit

This is how you can apply for the Master System 2025

This is a completely free process. To register, go to the application Master System, where you must create a username and password. Subsequently, the form must be completed with personal information.

Once you have completed the form, the system will confirm successful registration and you will receive confirmation of your username and password by email.

Next, you must fill out the Personal Data, Formal Education, Work Experience, Educational Profile and Secretary of Education Selection modules.

After you choose the vacancy of your preference, the application will inform you, via email, when the vacancies open.

In addition, when you create a profile, you can also consult the list of vacancies offered by the education departments.

If you are among the three best shortlisted for the position, you will receive the steps to follow to continue with the process by email.


Luc's expertise lies in assisting students from a myriad of disciplines to refine and enhance their thesis work with clarity and impact. His methodical approach and the knack for simplifying complex information make him an invaluable ally for any thesis writer.