The market of new cars without internal combustion cars. It is possible in this country

Luc Williams

Despite the huge oil and gas reserves, Norway has long been considered a global leader in the field of sustainable transport, and soon it can become the first country in the world that will effectively eliminate gas and diesel cars from its new car market.

Dynamic increase in the popularity of electricians

The sale of electric vehicles (EV) in Norway is systematically growing. In 2010, electric cars accounted for only 1 percent. total sale of cars. Last year, this percentage increased to 88.9 percent. This is a gigantic growth not found in any other country.

And as the data published by the Norwegian public road administration show, there is no indication that this trend is to slow down. In the first few weeks of this year, electric vehicles accounted for over 96 percent. new cars sold.

Christina Bu, Secretary General of the Norwegian Association of EV (NEVA), in an interview with CNBC said that most observers expect that this year in Norway the share of new electricians sold in the overall sales of new cars will reach a level of 95 percent. up to 100 percent

The mystery of Norwegian success

As the Deputy Minister of Transport Norway Cecilie Knibe Kroglund estimates the long -term and coherent policy of supporting the implementation of electric vehicles, without imposing prohibitions, as the EU did.

One of the incentives that Norway proposes to drivers who will buy a new electrician is VAT exemption. In addition, EV vehicle owners have lower road and parking taxes and access to bus lanes.

It is also very important Extensive public charging infrastructurein which the government has invested large funds. Many Norwegian households can also charge their cars at home.

Meanwhile The European Union has adopted the tactics of prohibitions. The community introduced provisions prohibiting the sale of new fossil fuel cars since 2035. However, Great Britain declares the ban on selling new cars with only combustion drive by 2030.

Public transport by electricity

Kroglund told CNBC that the country is planning to fully switch to Electric city buses as early as 2025, And by the end of the decade, most trucks (75 percent) are to be driven by renewable energy sources.

Most cars on the road still have a combustion drive

While the overwhelming majority of new cars sold are electric cars, there are still many vehicles with internal combustion engines on the roads.

Christina Bud from the Neva Association said that Currently 28 percent Cars traveling on Norwegian roads are fully electric. In the capital of the country, Oslo, this percentage increases to over 40 percent.

How do other countries fall out?

Against the background of Norway, the transition to electric cars in other countries is very poor. According to the COX Automotive research company, In 2024, electric vehicles accounted for 8.1 percent. total sale of new cars in the USA. A year earlier, the participation of electricians was at 7.8 percent.

Industry data with Great Britain showed that Electric vehicles accounted for almost 20 percent. registration of new cars in 2024.

However, in Germany, the largest economy of Europe, the popularity of electricians fell, after the agreement aimed at overcoming the budget crisis, the government suddenly withdrew subsidies for electric vehicles at the end of 2023. In the face of a creaking on the EV vehicle market, the ruling coalition that fell, which collapsed At the end of last year, she agreed to the proposal to ensure a certain tax relief for electric cars.

According to Eurostat, the share of registration of new electric cars in Germany was at 18 percent. In 2023, even the leaders of the Sweden and Denmark community do not match Norway. In these countries, the share of electricians in the new car market was half as much as in Norway.


Luc's expertise lies in assisting students from a myriad of disciplines to refine and enhance their thesis work with clarity and impact. His methodical approach and the knack for simplifying complex information make him an invaluable ally for any thesis writer.