Ministry of Climate and Environment (MKiŚ) announced on August 11, 2023 recruitment for municipalities willing to participate in the process of selecting a new place surface repository for low- and intermediate-level short-lived radioactive waste (NSPOP). Paweł Pytlarczyk, director of the nuclear energy department of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, informed in November 2023 that the recruitment process expires on November 15, 2023. He also announced the need to extend it.
Searching for willing municipalities
Currently, the Ministry of Climate and Environment, in response to PAP’s questions, indicated that extended the deadline for the recruitment of municipalities interested in participating in the process of selecting a site for a new surface repository for radioactive waste by June 31 this year. The resort admitted that “no offers from municipalities have been received so far”.
“The best location for building the landfill will be selected after obtaining acceptance of the local community for this investment and carrying out geological and geophysical researchwhich will allow for the assessment of the suitability of these areas for investment implementation in accordance with the criteria formulated in the Atomic Law Act,” the ministry emphasized.
What can they gain?
PAP asked what incentives for municipalities the current government envisages that agreed to locate a radioactive waste repository in their area?
“The commune in which the new surface radioactive waste repository will be located will be entitled to annual fee from the state budget (from the date of receipt of the first waste to the landfill until the decision to close the landfill) – in the amount of 400 percent income from tax on real estate located in the communeobtained in the previous year, but not more than PLN 10.5 million,” the Ministry of Climate announced.
He pointed out that construction and operation of the landfill will provide in the future new jobs in the commune. Additionally, it will be associated with construction of technical infrastructure necessary for its operation and accompanying investments (e.g. construction or renovation of roads). “There are plans to be made at the facility launching an education and training centerwhich will be open to the public and provide education for specialist staff,” added the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
Polish radioactive waste
The Ministry indicated that the new facility will be intended “exclusively” for storing low- and intermediate-level short-lived radioactive waste and radioactive sources originating from nuclear energyindustry, medicine and scientific and research activities emerging in Poland.
National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) informed PAP in July 2023 that the construction of a new surface repository for radioactive waste (NSPOP) is planned for the years 2028-2032, obtaining a permit for the use of the NSPOP and a permit for the operation of the NSPOP for the years 2031-2032, and operation for the period 2033-2032. 2152. The closure of the surface landfill is expected in 2153–2163. According to the resolution of the Council of Ministers, after the closure of the landfill, it would be managed long-term monitoring.
The only landfill in Poland
The agency then added that Currently, there is one surface landfill in Polandwhich has been operating since 1961. in the town of Różan on the Narew River approximately 90 km north-east of Warsaw. It has status National Radioactive Waste Repository (KSOP). It is located on the site of a former military fort and covers an area of 3,045 ha. “The inspections of radioactive waste carried out at the KSOP premises do not indicate any threat to the population or the environment,” PAA assured.
author: Anna Bytniewska