As reported in a stock exchange announcement on Wednesday supervisory board of PKO BP adopted resolutions about dismissal from the bank’s management board: : Maciej Brzozowski, Marcin Eckert, Paweł Gruza, Wojciech Iwanicki, Andrzej Kopyrski and Artur Kurcweil. It was emphasized that the resolutions about appeals entered into force upon adoption.
Temporary head of the management board
Down temporarily performing the duties of the vice-president supervisory board from February 15 this year. delegated its representative Szymon Mideraentrusting him at the same time managing the work of the bank’s management board. Moreover, on vice-president positions the supervisory board delegated Maciej Cieślukowski and Marek Radzikowski. These functions – in accordance with the resolution – are to take over from February 14 this year.
New members of the supervisory board
Szymon Midera is a graduate of International Economic and Political Relations at the University of Lodz and the Advanced Management Program at INSEAD in Fontainebleau. He also completed the Executive MBA Program at the Faculty of Management of the University of Lodz, organized in cooperation with Towson University and the Robert H. Smith School of Business. For eight years, until June 2016, he served as president and vice-president of the management board of Bank Pocztowy. Previously, he was associated with mBank for seven years. He managed, among others: area of marketing, online sales and business development.
Maciej Cieślukowski, habilitated doctor of economic sciences in the field of finance, professor at the Poznań University of Economics. In the years 2016 – 2020, he served as the head of the Department of Public Finance at the University of Economics. Author of over 60 scientific publications, lecturer at many foreign universities. Author of many expert opinions, including: for the Senate of the Republic of Poland.
Maciej Radzikowski, doctor of economics, head of the Economic Growth Research Department of the Warsaw School of Economics, lecturer of data science subjects, author of many economic publications. He completed master’s studies at the Warsaw School of Economics, majoring in finance and banking, and then MBA studies as part of the Community of European Management Schools (CEMS) program. He also studied at the Department of Economics of the Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge and at the Erasmus University Rotterdam School of Management. He started his professional career as a leader of projects improving management processes in international corporations, and later as a senior economist and secretary of the Macroeconomic Council at the National Bank of Poland. He co-founded the Civic Development Forum (FOR) and was the head of advisors to the Minister of Finance. In recent years, he worked as Vice President at JP Morgan.
Revolution at PKO BP
February 7 this year That Dariusz Szwed resigned as president of PKO BPwho has held this position since 2021.
On Friday, February 2 this year. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of PKO BP changed the composition of the supervisory board bank. The State Treasury appointed new members of the council, which also appointed Katarzyna Zimnicka-Jankowska as the chairman of the council. Eight members were dismissed from the council and eight new ones were appointed. As a result of changes the supervisory board consists of 10 people, because Agnieszka Winnik-Kalemba and Andrzej Kisielewicz remained on the council from the previous composition. The following people were appointed to the council: Maciej Cieślukowski, Hanna Kuzińska, Szymon Midera, Marek Panfil, Marek Radzikowski, Paweł Waniowski, Katarzyna Zimnicka-Jankowska and Andrzej Oślizło.
Treasury has 29.43 percent bank shares.
After three quarters of 2023 profit of the PKO BP group increased to PLN 4.82 billion from PLN 1.59 billion a year earlier. At that time, the bank’s balance sheet total was PLN 473 billion and the number of customers was 11.9 million.
author: Ewa Wesołowska