Along with 80 other countries, Colombia participated in the 2022 version of the Pisa Tests, which was applied to an effective national sample of 7,804 students 15 years of public and private educational institutions, rural and urban areas.
It is worth mentioning that the delivery of the evaluation was a year late due to the health emergency. Likewise, it allowed a general reading about educational systems after the pandemic.
Through a statement, the Ministry of Education stated that “the results for this version of Pisa 2022 show that the Colombian educational system had resilient behavior in the three areas of knowledge evaluated (reading, mathematics and science).”
Along these lines, he indicated that the results worldwide decreased as after the health emergency, however, Colombia’s average score did so to a lesser extent.
Despite having a moderate decrease, the country’s results in the Pisa Tests are still worrying. In the area of reading, for example, the score for 2018 was 412, while in 2022 it was 409.
The other areas evaluated also showed decreases. For 2018, the score in mathematics was 391, while in 2022 it was 383. For its part, science closed at 412 points five years ago, but the result of the last test was 411.
At a general level, OECD member countries and other Latin American nations had similar behavior after the pandemic, showing decreases in their scores for the three areas evaluated. However, in the case of Colombia, it is striking that its performance remains below average.
“Although Colombia’s results decreased compared to the 2018 application, their variation has increased compared to the first application in which the country participated in 2006.. The behavior during the time that Colombia has participated (16 years) shows that the scores increased in the three areas evaluated, in mathematics by 13 points, reading 24 points and science 23 points between 2006 and 2022,” highlighted the Ministry of Education. .
“However, the results of the international measurement reveal data that for the National Government show the need to structurally transform the educational system, given that, in the three domains, more than 50% of the students did not achieve basic competencies. (level 2) expected in each of the areas,” he added.