The National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane) revealed that in the country there are 2.64 million young people between 18 and 25 years old who do not study or work in Colombia. To reduce these figures, the National Learning Service (Sena) enabled the first In-Person and Distance Training Offer which will allow 80,000 people to study in person or virtually at no cost.
The courses begin on January 22, 2024 and have five levels of training: assistant (duration of six months), operator (six months), technician (one year), technologist (two years), and technical depth (six months). .
“Applicants must pay attention to the curricular design of the areas they choose. “Year after year we study the needs of the labor sector and create and add different programs, thinking about the situation in the regions of the country.”says Ana Lucila Acosta, a professional from the Sena Training Directorate.
This educational offer has 353 programs to meet the needs of the world of work, entrepreneurship and help the economic growth of communities and productive sectors. Some of these are: Systems technicians, Kitchen, Agricultural Production, Building Construction and Human Resources.
Among the most relevant programs to train and accredit technologists are Software Analysis and Development, Nursing, Administrative Management, Human Talent Management, Accounting and Financial Information Management, and Environmental Prevention and Control, among others. The options also cover those interested in auxiliary training, operators and technical in-depth training in areas such as Industrial Mechanics, Motor Load Handling and Assembly and Maintenance of Solar Systems.
With this academic offer, the Sena seeks to give Colombians in all regions of the country and foreigners with a residence permit the opportunity to acquire tools for their professional training. The great purpose is to respond to the needs of human talent in the national territory and contribute to the consolidation of social, environmental and economic justice.
The first In-Person and Distance Training Offer 2024 includes all days for apprentices: daytime (6:00 am to 6:00 pm), nighttime (6:00 pm to 10:00 pm), early morning (10:00 pm to 6:00 am) and mixed (combination of two days).
How to register?
To access a place, interested parties must enter the portal and locate the box “What do you want to study?” Then, you must select the level of training you want to apply for: operator, assistant, technical depth, technician or technologist.
In addition, the applicant must write a keyword (Cooking, for example), select the city in which they wish to study, their course of interest and click on “Search”. All the data of the training program appears there. If the person is already registered, they must enter the data to start the registration process. If she is not registered, she must click on “Register” and follow the steps.
To register or enroll in a training program of any level, it is required to upload the current identity document to the SOFIA Plus platform. If the person is already registered, they must enter the platform and follow the steps reported there to upload the document. It is important to note that the original scanned document must be in PDF (portrait format), and the file must be up to 2 Mb in size.
Through this academic offer and its free training programs, SENA is committed to training Colombians in different areas of knowledge under the guidance of expert instructors.
This content was made with the support of the Sena.