What score must you obtain on the State tests to be able to access a student scholarship?

Luc Williams

Education in Colombia continues to be one of the pillar issues for the National Government, as for all entities that are governed under the parameters of the Ministry of Education.

The exam carried out by the Icfes is essential to establish the future of the nation’s next university students and the different careers to which they can apply. On the other hand, it should be noted that through different alliances with academic centers in the country and other nations, you can apply for different scholarships to continue deepening your learning of a second language.

These scholarships not only cover tuition costs, but also expenses derived from the learning processes, such as transportation, food and housing.

The different institutes and universities in the country consider that applicants must have a score greater than 300 points to be able to apply for the scholarships offered.

However, each academic center has its own quality standards that are not only governed by the test score, but also by interviews carried out both in groups and individually with the applicants.

In the case of Colombia, these scholarships can be managed through the Ministry of Education and through Icetex which holds different calls throughout the year for students who want to learn a second language. In addition, through the different processes you can obtain subsidies for complete degrees at highly prestigious universities in the Nation.

Another entity that seeks to offer scholarships to study English virtually is the Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies. The entity announced that it is currently offering 200 scholarships to continue studying a second language remotely, in collaboration with the University of Cambridge.

Those interested in this new call must register through the MinTic website before November 3. On the portal you can find all the information necessary to carry out the registration process and the technical conditions of the scholarships, which are aimed at training the beneficiaries at the B1 level of English.

These initiatives go hand in hand with the strategies of the Ministry of Education, which seeks to facilitate access to education in Colombia through scholarships and specific programs that give the tools to the country’s next professionals.

Testing abroad

The Ministry of Education and Icfes announced the latest reports from Colombian citizens who took the tests in different institutions outside the national territory. The entities indicated that the Saber Pro and Saber TyT tests were carried out without any difficulty on October 6

The tests were carried out electronically, reaching 94 cities located in 40 countries. Through evaluations, the processes of measuring the country’s academic level at different stages of the student cycle continue.


Luc's expertise lies in assisting students from a myriad of disciplines to refine and enhance their thesis work with clarity and impact. His methodical approach and the knack for simplifying complex information make him an invaluable ally for any thesis writer.