Elon Musk in Poland. Visit with a mission?

Luc Williams

Musk arrived in Poland on Sunday evening, around 21. The plane he was traveling in landed at the airport in Balice near Kraków. Musk met with representatives on Monday morning EJAto discuss the details of your participation in the symposium.

Compensation for a stupid post?

The EJA symposium will be held in Krakow on Monday and Tuesday. Musk will take part in a discussion with an American right-wing publicist Ben Shapiro on anti-Semitism on the Internet. The discussion will take place on Monday evening Słowacki Theater in Krakow.

Tuesday will be visit day Auschwitz-Birkenau. Musk intends to take part in a ceremony commemorating the victims of the Holocaust. This will be his first visit to this place.

In 2023, Musk agreed with an anonymous user X platforms, who claimed that Jewish communities promote “anti-white hatred” and are responsible for bringing “hordes of minorities that are flooding the country.” Musk’s statement was condemned by many groups, including: White House. Musk later apologized for his words, calling them “one of the stupidest things” he had done.


Musk also has a meeting scheduled with Lech Wałęsa, former president of Poland. The topic of the conversation is not known, but the meeting is to be primarily symbolic. Wałęsa is known for his human rights activities and fight against anti-Semitism.

Musk’s visit to Poland is an event of great international importance. Musk is one of the most popular and influential people in the world. His visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau may be an important opportunity to remember the Holocaust and fight anti-Semitism.


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