Experts participating in the discussion in Katowice agreed that network infrastructure has a huge role to play in the energy transformation. It is, as they emphasized, the bloodstream of the entire energy system.
– However, it requires radical changes to fulfill its role in the new reality. From one-way or passive, it must become two-way, i.e. active. We are moving away from central energy sources in favor of distributed energy – noted Marcin Laskowski, vice-president of the management board for regulation of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna.
He added that in the European Union since 2019, expenditure on the development of renewable energy has increased by over 40%, and on networks by 20%. This shows how much is being done, but how much remains to be done in the development of energy networks.
– We spend on average PLN 4 billion a year on investments. We want to maintain the scale of expenditure in the coming years to fulfill the principles of the Charter for the Effective Transformation of Distribution Networks, i.e. create conditions for the development of the network and provide new connection possibilities – said Marcin Laskowski.
During the panel, experts also discussed how to solve the problem of the so-called zombie projects that are the real nightmare of renewable energy. They block the development of other projects that have a chance of being implemented. Discussion participants pointed out that today the conditions for connecting photovoltaics or wind farms are valid for two years. If no connection agreement is concluded by that time, they are terminated and assigned to subsequent applicants. The industry proposes shortening this period to one year. This would release blocked powers faster.
– We are verifying old contracts, which are not implemented in practice and block the capacity that could be used for connection. We also carry out investments in network expansion to increase the possibility of connecting new energy sources. In addition, we focus on optimal use of the infrastructure we already have. I will add that when planning changes, we must not forget about equal treatment of all market partners, emphasized Marcin Laskowski.
The participants also touched on the topic of digitization and automation of the network, which is necessary for its proper operation when we move to a distributed model of energy supply. Because, as they pointed out, for the success of the transformation it is important not only to create appropriate conditions for connecting renewable energy sources, but also to improve the operation of the network so that energy flows undisturbed to consumers and to minimize the risk of damage that may cause mass failures. It is also important to ensure its flexibility so that it is possible to balance demand and supply on the energy market.
Marcin Laskowski stated that the answer to these problems is to move overhead networks underground. Therefore, PGE Dystrybucja, a company from the PGE Group, is implementing the Medium Voltage (MV) Network Cabling Program. It assumes a transfer of at least 30% by 2028. current lines below the earth’s surface. He explained that cable lines, compared to overhead lines, are resistant to damage resulting from atmospheric factors. And it is violent winds or heavy rains that are the most common cause of mass failures. However, experts admitted that in the coming years there would be some disruptions in the quality of supplies to recipients. This is because investments in networks in previous years were small. Today, when they grow, they cannot be carried out without turning off the voltage.
– When it comes to the digitization of the Polish energy industry, in order to accelerate it, we are implementing the LTE450 program. Its aim is to build a special communications network dedicated to the Polish energy industry. One of the key assumptions is the maximum use of PGE Dystrybucja’s own infrastructure, in particular telecommunications towers, said Marcin Laskowski.
He added that the construction of LTE450 will ensure standardization in the area of operational and technical communications, including: effective, fast and digitally documented coordination of company services activities and data readings on the energy network, which will increase energy security and create the possibility of flexible network management. This will thus improve the reliability of energy supplies.
– We also focus on managing flexibility, i.e. the use of peaks in solar energy and its accumulation at other times when it is needed and the sun is not shining. This will optimize network investments – added the PGE representative.
During the discussion, issues of financing investments were also discussed, which are to be implemented from own funds, but also from preferential loans and EU programs. They pointed to FEnIKS and KPO.
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photo: press materials