A debate on this topic took place during the PRECOP 2024 conference in Katowice.
– The game changer for the sector will be PLN 70 billion from KPO, which is to support the energy transformation in the form of preferential loans – said Krzysztof Surma, vice president for finance at TAURON Polska Energia, expressing hope that EU funds will allow, among others, adapt distribution and transmission networks to Western European standards. He also noted that money alone, although important, is not enough.
The participants agreed with him that it is crucial to debureaucratize the investment process. Only this will allow us to increase capacity in zero-emission energy sources faster than now. The same applies to the construction and modernization of distribution and transmission networks, without which it is impossible to connect new renewable energy sources to the system.
– The third element of the puzzle, without which the rapid decarbonization of the energy sector and the entire economy will not be successful, is the construction of energy storage facilities that will allow us to store and purchase energy when too much of it is produced and the price is negative, and to make it available and resell it when the entire market she needs it – added Krzysztof Surma.
Tomasz Czech, Knowledge Officer of UN Global Compact Network Poland, presenting the institution’s latest report on transformation, emphasized that the Polish energy mix is changing dynamically, although not as quickly as we would like: in 2027, renewable energy sources produced 27%. energy, and coal-fired power plants – 62%. For comparison: Great Britain, once – like Poland – a country of coal and steel, is currently closing its last coal-fired power plant. Moreover, the share of coal in Poland decreased by 10 percentage points in a year. – that’s relatively a lot.
– However, it is true that in order to achieve climate goals, we must definitely accelerate – said the analyst.
According to the UN GCNP report, there are many obstacles to acceleration. The most important are outdated transmission networks. Equally important is the lack of widespread use of energy storage. As a result, we observe numerous refusals to connect new renewable energy sources and the shutdown of already connected installations. As a result, we lose megawatts of clean and free energy.
– We know the goal and we all want to achieve it, but we are doing it slowly because we don’t have the tools. The investment process needs to be accelerated from several years to several months – by changing the law. Also, the quick separation of coal assets from energy companies is a necessary condition for acceleration. Finally, we must reverse the logic of connecting generation projects: the operator should indicate to investors where the capacity is needed and announce auctions. Huge investments in energy storage are equally necessary. Only they can stop wasting energy and at the same time improve the results of entrepreneurs who, due to negative prices, lose money and enthusiasm for transformation – said Tomasz Zadroga, Vice-President and Chief Investment Officer of the Respect Energy Capital Group. In his opinion, without these actions, “we will not be able to avoid the apocalypse.”
Sławomir Staszak, acting president of ENERGA, said that his company is in a privileged situation because it started the transformation years ago, it has the fewest coal assets and the most connected RES capacity.
– However, we must remember that it is not enough to have emission-free generation assets. They still need to be incorporated into the system and optimally used, and this requires efficient networks and energy storage facilities that help in power balancing – said Sławomir Staszak.
Dr. Aleksandra Lubicz-Posochowska from the Department of Energy Transformation at the University of Economics in Katowice pointed out that a “legislative revolution” is needed.
– We have 42 normative acts regulating the transformation process, transferring competences to various government bodies – noted the expert.
Sławomir Czajka, leader of the Global Trade team at EY Polska, emphasized that creating a fast track for green investments is a common demand of the entire sector, because the number of legal, tax and construction permits necessary to implement the investment is significant, which consumes valuable time. He added that resources are equally important: no entrepreneur will bear the costs of energy transformation without public support.
Piotr Matczuk, president of the Polish Development Fund, declared that the fund would try not only to fill the financial investment gap, but also to “show the way”.
Krzysztof Surma pointed out that TAURON is at the stage of developing a new strategy. Transformation means revolution: recently, 35 percent capital expenditure was spent in the group on coal assets, now 35 percent. we spend on emission-free sources.
– From the group’s perspective, the distribution area is key, which is why we allocate more than half of CAPEX to networks. Without them, we will not develop additional renewable sources or accelerate the electrification process, which is also to cover the heat market, he explained.
Krzysztof Surma emphasized that KPO funds “we must spend intelligently, first identifying places where business, especially industry, will develop.”
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