Education is a tool that reduces inequalities, fosters tolerance between people and contributes to the development of more peaceful societies. For this reason, organizations such as the UN constantly invite the world to work to guarantee quality, inclusive and equitable education, and promote lifelong learning options for all.
Entities like BBVA Colombia have understood that education is the only way for people to have better living conditions, which is why their efforts have focused on generating actions that guarantee children and young people the possibility of training. According to a company study, the capacity of tertiary education (understood as technical, technological or professional education) to reduce poverty is enormous: in people with primary school this type of studies can reduce poverty by 42 percent, and among those who are professionals up to 7 percent.
“As a sign of this commitment, Last year we benefited more than 250,000 children and young people with our programs to support and strengthen education”said Constanza García, director of Communication and Corporate Responsibility of BBVA in Colombia. One of the most representative actions is ‘Transforming Realities’. In alliance with Bancamía, an entity of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation, children of microentrepreneurs have been encouraged to pursue university studies for three years. This program, which was born in 2020, has contributed to the educational future of 121 children of vulnerable entrepreneurs, whose life story, entrepreneurship and struggle to get ahead represents an example for society for their work.discipline, creativity and impact on the community.
For example, the scholarship for this year’s 30 winners It covers the value of up to ten semesters and provides monthly support for the maintenance of young people during the duration of their studies at a public or private university. Added to this program are alliances with Corporación Manos Visibles, Icesi University, BBVA and Claro, among others, which benefit young people in the Pacific, reach public schools with free internet, train teachers, help close digital gaps and strengthen STEAM skills. .
National Teacher Award
Recently, BBVA recognized the best pedagogical experiences with an award that highlighted the work of teachers in three categories: reading and writing, environment and digital skills.
The winners received an award for the educational institution where they work, which included a pedagogical suitcase with 38 literary and informative books, and five tablets. In addition, each teacher received financial recognition.