Surprising survey results: consumers want companies to offer them AI-based services

Luc Williams

Consumers in Poland and their expectations towards AI

“Polish consumers use AI in their everyday lives and expect the same from companies” – according to the report “Ready for artificial intelligence. Expectations of Polish consumers and companies”, prepared by PwC Polska. As its authors stated, all consumer groups benefit from artificial intelligence. In each of the surveyed age groups, at least 50 percent respondents were familiar with GenAI – even 56 percent had heard of it. representatives of the oldest group of respondents.

The report published on Wednesday showed that consumers use AI mainly to find information and help make decisions, but young people are most likely to seek help with learning (56%), and older people are most likely to seek help in finding information (78%). Consumers expect companies to offer AI solutions that will make their lives easier, and over 55 percent indicated support in performing tedious tasks and procedures.

Consumer concerns about AI

Over 80 percent respondents expect that new technological tools will improve procedures in the public sector. Consumers are guided by convenience – 67%. of them would like to be able to use virtual fitting rooms in online stores.

The report shows that However, study participants are afraid of, among others: adequate control over AI – 75 percent believes that artificial intelligence may cause social exclusion, and 80 percent predicts it will contribute to disinformation. Despite concerns about data privacy and potential leaks, consumers want to use GenAI at work, even if company regulations do not allow it, and 85 percent uses GenAI despite lack of official approval.

Implementing AI in Polish companies

Over 75 percent surveyed Polish companies admitted that they started using AI, from process automation to improving contact with customers.

“No one has many production applications yet, most are in the early stages,” said the report’s authors. 55 percent organization has a defined AI strategy or is working on its preparation.

Companies are concerned about data privacy

The report noted that companies are concerned about data privacy, and implementing appropriate processes to ensure data security is a challenge for many of them. The most frequently identified risks related to the use of artificial intelligence include: leakage of confidential data (57%), lack of clear responsibility for AI results (39%), cybersecurity (35%), and violation of intellectual property rights (31%).

Organizations also have concerns about the shortage of AI specialists on the market, 69 percent has a problem with recruiting experts.

The authors of the study pointed out that adapting to applicable legal regulations is a challenge, because only 26 percent organization has implemented requirements for AI.

Investments in AI in the sales and financial sectors

“The highest percentage of companies planning to implement AI solutions is in organizations from the retail and financial sectors,” the authors of the report indicated. They added that over 80 percent of them invest in AI solutions, and at least half of enterprises make business decisions with the support of AI. “The most important area of ​​development in all organizations was process automation and predictive analytics. Almost half of the surveyed enterprises (48%) currently use predictive analytics,” they noted.

“Most ideas for the use of AI do not end with implementation (80%). To avoid wasting resources, work on the use of AI must result from the adopted AI strategy and be assessed in terms of possibilities, costs and benefits,” said Michał Gamrot, deputy director at PwC Polska.

PwC provides business, technology, tax and legal consulting and audit services. In Poland, the company has offices in seven cities; Polish PwC companies employ almost 7,000 people. people, including approx. 2 thousand in technology teams. (PAP)


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