They open 1,000 scholarships for Colombians who want to study a master's degree; These are the requirements and how to access

Luc Williams

The Organization of American States (OAS) partnered with Structuralia, an online graduate school, to provide a great educational opportunity for Colombians. They are currently offering 1,000 scholarships that cover 50% for Colombians who are interested in studying master's degrees related to technology and engineering, making it a unique opportunity.

There will be more than 60 master's degrees that will be available and to which the scholarship recipients will have access, an initiative that seeks to improve the preparation of people in these industries that are in high demand today and that play a primary role in the development of the industry. country and the region in general.

“In a context where engineering and technology are drivers of progress, these 1,000 scholarships offer a unique opportunity to enhance Colombian talent and strengthen the necessary paths for the sustainable development of the region,” stated Juan Antonio Cuartero, director of Structuralia.

As explained by the OAS and the school, the application to access the scholarships will close on July 6, 2024, that will be the maximum deadline. The scholarships will be awarded according to the order of arrival of each of the applications and, clearly, they must meet all the requirements, which are:

  • Be a professional or have experience related to the chosen master's degree.
  • You must have Colombian nationality or show that you have legal and permanent residence in the country.
  • Complete each of the required points in the application form that is virtual.
  • Send all required documentation as indicated.
  • Approve an interview that will be conducted via phone call.

As mentioned before, the scholarships will cover 50% of the program and will also have additional benefits that seek to encourage young people to continue studying and grow in their profession. Scholarship recipients between 20 and 30 years of age will have the privilege of free access to a technical course that they will be able to choose from a selection of specific courses that the market is currently demanding.

Some of the courses, which last between 40 and 80 hours, are business financial management, contract manager, digital identity, among others.

For more information you can consult the following links:


Luc's expertise lies in assisting students from a myriad of disciplines to refine and enhance their thesis work with clarity and impact. His methodical approach and the knack for simplifying complex information make him an invaluable ally for any thesis writer.