Help for farmers after the September flood. The deadline for submitting support applications is approaching

Luc Williams

Support for farmers affected by floods

As Paweł Kampa, deputy director of the Opole branch, told PAP Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculturewill be accepted until the end of January applications from farmers affected by the September flood for support under two projects, recruitment for which began on December 9 last year.

“The first project concerns aid for agricultural producerswho suffered as a result of the flood crop losses of at least 30 percent. By the end of the week, i.e. a month after the start of the recruitment process, we had accepted 17 applications under this project abbreviated as ‘support for damaged areas’,’ he said.

Possibility to repay agricultural tax installments for farmers

As he noted, the second project includes opportunity repaying agricultural producerswho lost at least 30% as a result of heavy rain or flood. your crops, third and fourth installment of agricultural tax. “In this case, we received 11 applications,” Kampa said.

An appeal to farmers to quickly submit applications and summarize the support so far

He appealed to farmers not to wait until the last minute to submit applications. At the same time, he recalled that so far within the framework of already completed support programs for crops damaged by flood only in the Opole Voivodeship ARiMR paid PLN 26.9 million to nearly 1.2 thousand farmers. Additionally, last year, the Opole branch of ARiMR paid agricultural tax installments of PLN 2.8 million to 798 flood-affected farmers and transferred PLN 8 million to 184 flood-affected farmers under the “disaster aid-area” program. (PAP)

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