Have you ever wondered why some people learn better by watching videos, while others prefer to read or do hands-on exercises? This has to do with the learning stylesone of the most important areas of pedagogy.
Understanding how each person processes information can make the difference between a boring class and a meaningful learning experience. And this is where the Bachelor of Pedagogy to train future experts who will design personalized strategies that adapt to each style.
What are learning styles and what are they for?
In simple terms, learning styles are the different methods that people use to acquire, process and retain information. We all learn differently, and although this is something that teachers have always noticed, it was not until the 20th century that theories began to be formulated on the subject.
One of the first to address this idea was David Kolb, who proposed that learning is a cyclical process that involves four stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. From this, more specialized theories emerged such as VARK modelwhich groups learning styles into four categories: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic.
The learning styles They serve to personalize instruction and ensure that students absorb content in the way that works best for them. By understanding how you learn best, you can optimize your studying, and if you’re a teacher, you can design classes that really capture everyone’s attention.
Main models of learning styles
There are several models that group and classify learning styles, but the VARK model and the model Kolb They are the best known.
The VARK model divides the styles into four types:
Visual (V): Refers to students who learn best by seeing pictures, graphs, or diagrams.
Auditory (A): These students prefer to listen to explanations or debates.
Read/Write (R): These are people who learn best by reading and taking notes.
Kinesthetic (K): They are those who learn by doing, that is, through practice and movement. -
Kolb’s model: Starts from the idea that learning is a continuous cycle of four stages:
Concrete experience: Have direct experience.
Reflective observation: Reflect on the experience.
Abstract conceptualization: Draw conclusions and learn general concepts.
Active experimentation: Apply what you have learned in new situations.
Both models are valuable tools in pedagogy because they allow the creation of educational environments more adapted to the needs of each student.
What are the main learning styles in pedagogy?
Visual (V)
If you are one of those who need to see to believe, this is your style. Visual learners learn best when they can look at concept maps, diagrams, or graphs that represent information. They are usually good at remembering images and it helps them a lot to have organized and visually attractive notes.
Auditory (A)
For auditory learners, sound is everything. They prefer to listen to the lessons, discuss the topic and sometimes even repeat out loud what they are learning. For them, podcasts and verbal explanations are key.
This is the most traditional learning style: reading texts and writing notes. If you love underlining your books or making detailed summaries, you probably identify with this type of learning.
Kinesthetic (K)
Kinesthetic learners are those who learn best “hands-on.” They like to make, touch, build and experiment to better understand concepts. For them, practicals and laboratories are essential.
Diagnostic methods to identify learning styles
Identifying the learning style of each student is not a simple task, but fortunately there are tools and techniques developed by the pedagogy to achieve it. The most common include:
Diagnostic questionnaires: These tests are designed to quickly and accurately detect a student’s predominant learning style. Through questions about preferences and behaviors, a detailed profile can be obtained.
Classroom observations: Many times, teachers detect their students’ learning styles by observing how they interact with the content and activities.
Performance testing: Specific assessments can be conducted that measure how students process information when it is presented to them in different ways (visual, auditory, written, etc.).
Pedagogical application of learning styles
So how does this translate into pedagogical practice? Very simple: the results of these diagnostics allow teachers to design classes that really engage students.
Imagine a class in which each student learns at their own pace and in the way that works best for them. For visual learners, the teacher can incorporate more graphics and videos; for the auditory, group discussions or detailed explanations; for kinesthetics, practical activities. This ensures that everyone participates and, most importantly, that everyone understands the content.
The ultimate goal is to create a personalized educationwhere each engastudent feels supported and motivated to give their best. And this is where future pedagogues have a very special mission: to design teaching strategies that adapt to everyone.
The path towards an inclusive pedagogy
Understand and apply the learning styles in education is one of the great challenges of the 21st century. In such a diverse world, where each student has unique needs and talents, it is crucial that teaching is as well. The modern pedagogy It leads us to innovate, to create spaces where everyone can shine and develop fully.
If you are passionate about the world of education and imagine yourself being part of this transformation, the Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational and Educational Pedagogy of the Anáhuac Querétaro University It is the ideal place for you. Here you will learn to identify learning styles and design pedagogical strategies that make a real difference in the lives of students.
Take the step and become an expert in pedagogy that inspires future generations!