The third nuclear power plant in Poland. The government begins analyses

Luc Williams

Nuclear energy program

Ministry of Industry is to present the assumptions for updating the government’s nuclear energy program later this year. It is to include a publicly communicated construction schedule the first nuclear power plant in Pomerania. It assumes pouring the first nuclear concrete in 2028 and commissioning the next three units of the Choczew power plant in 2036–38. Additionally, as determined by DGP, the issue of another power plant implemented under the government program will take a key place in the refreshed strategy,” we read in the newspaper.

“DGP” interlocutors hope that the process of selecting a partner will formally begin next year. According to the daily’s findings, the Ministry of Industry also assumes that in relation to this investment, the deadlines set out in the 2020 program still in force, which refer to starting operation of the first unit of the second power plant in 2039 and completing work on the third unit by 2043.

Third nuclear power plant

“According to our unofficial findings, the document may include for the first time a mention of the possibility of building a third power plant. The need for its implementation should, according to the Ministry of Industry, be subjected to further analysis, because Replacing another large power plant with more small reactors could be an option“- we read further.

At the same time, the article points out that the updated program will not decide the fate of commercial projects implemented jointly by state and private companies – such as PGE, PAK or small reactors. Orlen Synthos Green Energy.



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